NMA Monday Alert #2
NMA Venture Capital GmbH
NMA is the premier hub for startup-driven innovation in Europe.
Let’s kick off another week of AIxtravaganza!
Wow, it seems as if we just coined a phrase. Amazing. Let’s see how this term will dominate Google Trends in the next weeks! But honestly, isn’t it breathtaking how fast the AI development is all off a sudden and how it seems like Generative AI has the potential to reconfigure the setup of Big Tech. Everybody is on it at the moment and while AI developers continue to be in high demand, Prompt Ninjas will be hired by companies trying to figure out what to do while AI changes everything.
If you want to figure out the impact Generative AI can have on your business, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We have been investing in startups in this space even before the term Generative AI even existed. So we understand what is going on and how this will change the way you do business and run your company.
???? Quick NMA Updates ??
We’re happy to partner with the International Press Institute on the IPI World Congress & Media Innovation Festival in Vienna, May 25-26. Make sure to register and meet us there! The topic is: New Frontiers in the Age of AI
?? Startup Ecosystem Updates ??
Bill Gates gets it right this time, you should read this essay.
This is not how many people envision the age of AI, but there is some truth to it as with every new tech development old jobs fade away and new jobs are getting created, looking at you, Prompt Ninja!
This is amazing and also kind of spooky, but a cure for Parkinson would really be a fantastic thing.
Food for Thought
Think about this.
Have a great start into the week! We still hope you like our new format! And we made it much shorter this time. Remember, you heard about AIxtravaganza here first!