NLP Values and the Evolution of Consciousness Part 5
Adriana James, M.A., Ph.D.
Director, Lead NLP, Time Line Therapy?, Hypnotherapy and NLP Coaching Master Trainer at The Tad James Co
So far in this mini-series concerning NLP Values and the Evolution of Consciousness, we argued ten very important points to remember. If you have not read the first four parts of this series you can do this here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
Here are the ten points again for your convenience – remember them. They’re invaluable in your own as well and other’s assessment of values.
- Values are not what we like but what is important to us
- Every person has values
- Every individual set of values is different from another individual’s and
- No values levels (IE types of thinking) are “better” than others’ but they are all geared to support existence inside a certain type of environment.
- Development through the values levels and different types of thinking is possible but not guaranteed.
- Values are not related to intelligence or IQ, nor are they related to how people think (in NLP we call these strategies). They are not even related to the concepts of “toward” and “away from” (carrots or sticks).
- At least in the western world (this is the one I am most familiar with) nobody “is” a certain values level. You can’t say to somebody “Oh, you’re a values level X!”
- Under stress people revert to the last completed previous values level. This can be one or two or even more values levels backwards – depending on which one was completed fully.
- You cannot progress through values levels unless all the concerns related to one values level are fulfilled, and the energy spent on these concerns is freed. In other words you need to walk the walk not only talk the talk of a certain values level to be done with it and progress further.
- People can exhibit different values levels in different contexts of life.
Something very funny happened. Once Part 1 and Part 2 was on the web, I was contacted by an apparently good solid values level (VL) 5 thinker who tried to sell me some Valuation Assessments. Just as a reminder for those of you who need it, I cannot possibly know whether this person displayed VL 5 or VL 3-5 thinking since I did not talk to them, but I made a quick mind read: entrepreneurial spirit, take action immediately to sell their product, pat my shoulder to tell me how much he liked my article, so it must be VL 3 or VL 5 or a combination of both.
This action made me chuckle. Not the fact that the person tried to sell me something – that’s fine with me, it denotes entrepreneurial spirit – but because they missed the point entirely. The importance of understanding values levels thinking is not in their assessment power. It is in the utilization of this understanding for continuing consciousness development. Any pen and paper (electronic nowadays) instrument is not worth much although VL 5 will say: “Tell me about me so I can learn how to be the best I can be.” As you saw already VL 6 and above will recognize that a human being is not measurable through any assessment since it recognizes that there is far more to a human being than just a bunch of materials out of which it is constructed.
Since we’re just about to describe (albeit briefly and insufficiently – the space inside a small series of articles does not allow for more) VL 7, let’s add another extremely important point to our list:
- A lower values level cannot understand or comprehend a higher values level. Remember this because it is the basis for the remainder of our analysis.
It will always think of it as being inferior. For example VL 4 thinking looks at a VL 5 and thinks: it must be VL 3. Or VL 5 looks at VL 6 and thinks it is VL 4. It is actually simple to see why; for our VL 4 thinker VL 3 is the last values level completed, and since values levels 3 and 5 share some commonalities, VL 4 thinks of VL 5 as destroying the order and systems of obedience and submission and the “moral values” present in VL 4. VL 5 only wants to follow his/her own interest and independent path, but this is not plain to VL 4. VL 4 thinks that VL 5 is actually breaking “the law” like VL 3 which is not correct. VL 5 is not about breaking the law – it is about manipulating it and twisting it for advantages.
Same rule applies for any other values level thinking looking at the one above. It will think the one above, is the one beneath.
Now let’s talk a little about VL 7.
- VL7 has to do with functionality, competencies and integrating paradoxes. Now, what is “functionality”?
According to WordBook English Dictionary
Functionality means “capable of serving a purpose well as in software with greater functionality”
According to TechTarget “In information technology, functionality (from Latin functio meaning “to perform”) is the sum or any aspect of what a product, such as a software application or computing device, can do for a user.”
VL 7 loves to be involved in exciting solution-finding, reality based-knowledge generating activities. Being realistic is an important trait of VL 7. Learning quickly complex information, accessing knowledge on multiple levels, avid information gathering for learning, having the mental discipline to carry through long-term tasks are all marks of the thinking in VL 7. Since learning is so important for VL 7 it is welcome in any form – authoritarian and patient (VL4), comparing and competing with others (VL5), collaborating and sharing in group activity (VL6). Of course one area of activity for this type of thinking could be in the information technologies, quantum fields of expertise, particle physics, astrophysics, or anywhere else as in human development fields. One thing is clear – the thinking exhibited by VL 7 will be different from your average run-of-the-mill thinking in society. One area exciting for VL 7 is in the GRIN technologies.
GRIN stands for genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology. However not all people involved in these technologies are exhibiting the thinking of VL 7 and this is a big problem. It seems that technology has evolved indeed exponentially and human beings are left to catch up quickly in terms of their personal and individual neurological development.
VL 7 represents quite a leap for the vast majority of humanity alive today and as you remember values levels growth and transition is possible but not guaranteed. You will see more and more disparity between the way of life prevalent inside the technological advances generated by VL 7 thinking and the rest of society; so much so that the small percentage of people thinking at VL 7 will appear as a different civilization compared to the rest. Only those who’s environment AND neurology permits will actualize VL 7. For the rest, the environment will preclude the progressing and developing their neurology accordingly.
VL 7 technologies can really change life on earth in a positive and happy way for every living being but values levels 3, 4, 5, and maybe some 6 (VL 8 wannabe) thinking involved in these technologies will input their own judgment which is not at par with the advanced technology. VL 6 will be able to assess the importance of this technology correctly but since VL 6 thinking is not into doing anything nothing ever gets done. You will remember that in VL 6 thinking taking action depends on “my group consensus” and in general groups of VL 6 thinkers don’t achieve anything.
VL 7 thinking involves a mind reaching out into the galaxy (not with VL 6 ideas of oneness with all there is and fuzzy New Age ideas) and exploring what’s there including science, technology, GRIN as many other methods, knowledge and expertise not even available for the rest of population. Spirituality combines here with zero-point energy, nano-technology, robotics and genetics. The ability for the individual to simultaneously handle individual as well a group concerns is significantly increased and the thinking here is so different that it might as well be alien for others.
There is far more to discuss about VL 7 and after that VL 8, but this will have to wait until the next part of this series.
Until then, be well
About the Author: Adriana James
NLP Master Trainer, Hypnosis Master Trainer and NLPCoaching Master Trainer. She is the author of the book Values And the Evolution of Consciousness - a book about how to take advantage of the massive changes which the world is going through and Time Line Therapy? Made Easy - an introduction to Time Line Therapy? techniques easy to master by everyone. To read more about Adriana go here.