- This post is more about theory :) but if you want to sound clever and modern on your next date and give your partner the impression that you know something about the world of Generative AI (beyond just saying you use ChatGPT), this can be useful for you.
- When people talk about Generative AI, three common terms often come up—NLP, NLU, and NLG.
- NLU (Natural Language Understanding): This is how machines can understand your request. NLU focuses on interpreting and understanding the meaning behind language.
- For example, if you enter "I am a 20-year-old girl from North Korea. Give me the top 10 legal ways to become happy" into ChatGPT.
- NLU's goal is to interpret your request and extract the necessary information. For instance, it identifies that the person asking is a girl, 20 years old, from North Korea, and that the response should include 10 suggestions for happiness, all of which should be legal in North Korea.
- For example, one legal way to be happy in North Korea might be to show love for their leader :)
- NLG (Natural Language Generation): This focuses on generating coherent and contextually relevant human-like language. The goal of NLG is to convert data or information into readable, natural language sentences.
- NLP (Natural Language Processing): This refers to the overall process of enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. It includes both NLU and NLG.
- Some people think NLP = NLU + NLG, but that’s not quite right.
- NLP ≠ NLU + NLG because NLP also includes additional tasks, such as Speech recognition and Machine translation.
- I hope this post gives you an advantage on your next date!
- Good luck!