It is that time of year again, and depending on where you are in the world, you either approach the longest or the shortest day of the year!
This week on the 21st of June, the Earth’s tilt marks the Summer or Winter Solstice and that means, we approach the second half of this amazing year! We have some very exciting Trainings scheduled for both Australia and the USA which are set to build upon the success already achieved and make the second half of 2018 even bigger!
An exceptionally exciting time for the US as their Summer Training Season is about to kick off with the back to back FasTrak? NLP Practitioner, NLP Master Practitioner and NLP Trainer’s Training in Henderson, Nevada! The US team is working closely with the students in the lead up to their trainings with a new fresh bunch of certified Practitioners, Master Practitioners and Trainer’s ready to positively impact the world around them and create massive success in their chosen field!
Give one of our offices a call today and discover when and how you can take the next step in your life (US 1-888-440-4823 / AU 1-800-133-433).
TV makes you “Brain-Dead” and is NOT “The Truth”, Even if You Believe it is – Part 1 - It isn’t called Television Programming for nothing! What is actually happening to you when you watch TV and for what purpose? Check out this article by Dr. Adriana James and educate yourself on the illusion that is the TV and entertainment industry.
Why Is It So Difficult To Change – Even If You Know You Should Part 3 - This week’s third part in the series by Dr. Adriana James completes the discussion on change and why many perceive it as something quite challenging and even scary! Whether you are presented with a change in your life by choice or by force, the good news is that we all have the power to create a positive and successful outcome. We just need to discover HOW with the tools of NLP.
Introduction written by Fini Todd @ Sydney Office.
#NLPCoaching #NLP #Hypnosis #Hypnotherapy? #AdrianaNLP ?#TadNLP #TransformThePlanet #TadJamesCo #NLPnews