NLP, Hypnosis & Neurocise? for Stress Reduction
Elvis Lester
Creator/Advanced Master Trainer of Neurocise?, Eye Movement Therapy & Coaching Systems (EMERGE?, EyePointing?, NeuroPointing?, GEMS?), Qualified Teacher of Hypnosis, Change & Trance Master & ExecuSearch USA Recruiter.
Many things in life cause stress & we all know that stress affects our health & our happiness on a daily basis. No one likes feeling frustrated, confused or overwhelmed by stress & not knowing what to do or where to begin to let go of stressors and start to lead an even healthier & happier & more relaxing life. It is a well-known fact that stress & its negative effects on mental, emotional & physical health sometimes leads to unhealthy behaviors as well & a quickening of the downward spiral to even more & more stress.
I invite you to come join me for a change and trance session & learn how you can use NLP, Hypnosis & Neurocise? to access your very own primary powers & unconscious processes to not only alleviate any unwanted stresses in your life but utilize it to propel you to more peace of mind & satisfaction in your life & relationships.
Come learn to experience for yourself how with NLP, Hypnosis & Neurocise? you can alter your states & use trance-based exercises to help solve your everyday issues or problems & deal with stress more easily & speedily, in ways that will leave you refreshed, & energized, empowered & inspired with new skills & a new perspective.
Stress-Release with NLP, Hypnosis & Neurocise?
We all react & respond to 'stress' in our own unique ways. The primary questions are:
· How much in control are you of how you do respond & react to life's situations & events?
· Are your reactions & responses helping you or hindering you?
· Are you thinking-feeling as you’d like to & achieving the results you desire?
Schedule a Coaching & Change session on Stress Management & you will:
- Define & identify what ‘stresses you’ or the stressors in your life.
- Identify your response-reactions to stressors.
- Evaluate if your reactions to the stressors in your life help or hinder you.
- Recognize & realize the value & importance of making lifestyle shifts & changes in how you live & perform.
- Read, resolve & release unwanted tension & stress – Read the “signs of the mind” & take action to make your mind & life better.
- Unwind physically, mentally & emotionally to gain more peace of mind right now.
- Shift quickly from a perceptual position of weakness & vulnerability to that of control & strength.
- Understand the value & importance of taking "specific action" with effective strategies to read & release stress.
- Clarify your intentions & focus your attention & energy on what is most important to you.
- Put into action your vision of success & sequence of success in positive stress management.
- Direct & control your state of mind in the most difficult of situations.
- Make Choice Responses!
- Learn to access easily resources, states, strategies & skills to help manage your states.
- Make specific changes in how you think-feel-act to immediately improve the quality of your life, actions, relationships & performance.
- Communicate from the inside out for maximum influence & positive impact not only on others but with yourself first.
NLP, Hypnosis & Neurocise? are models of communication & human excellence which will help you to determine the very structure of success in your life.
Take the time to learn to improve the results in your life.
· Come learn about NLP, Hypnosis & Neurocise? as a system to control your state & attitude & how to change your beliefs, change your states by choice & shift your perceptions & perspective (point of view & outlook).
· Come access the resources you require & practice the states, strategies & skills in a context that will allow you to make high level changes in your personal vision, so you go beyond what you thought previously possible.
· Come learn how NLP, Hypnosis & Neurocise? can assist you in getting rid of stress & enjoy yourself & yourself more fully & completely. Please let me know if I can be of assistance in helping you to alleviate unwanted stresses in your life and relationships. Thank you! Elvis Lester