NLP ??? To “Change Your Mind” ??
Aries Hilton
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By Aries Hilton
Here is a neurolinguistic programming script that allows speakers to induce a state of autoganfeld in listeners. The script uses the hypnotic metaphoric framework to create a story that is relevant and meaningful to the listener's desire, and to communicate with their subconscious mind. The script also uses NLP techniques such as sensory modalities, representational systems, anchors, and reframing to enhance the effectiveness of the story.
The script is as follows:
Hello, and welcome to this guided meditation. I'm going to tell you a story that will help you relax and experience a state of autoganfeld, which is a state of sensory deprivation that can lead to visual and auditory hallucinations, altered states of consciousness, and extrasensory perception. This story is about a journey that you will take in your mind, and it will be tailored to your personal interests and preferences. So, before we begin, I want you to think of something that you are passionate about, something that you love to do or learn about, something that makes you happy and excited. It can be anything, as long as it is meaningful to you. Got it? Good. Now, I want you to imagine that you are in a comfortable and safe place, where you can relax and listen to my voice. You can sit or lie down, whatever feels best for you. You can close your eyes or keep them open, as long as you can focus on my words. You can also wear headphones or earphones, if you have them, to block out any external noises. You are going to listen to some white noise, which is a static sound that will fill your ears and create a sense of calmness and clarity. The white noise will also help you enter a state of autoganfeld, by reducing your ordinary sensory input and enhancing your psi-conductive states. As you listen to the white noise, you may notice that your mind starts to wander, and that's okay. Just let your thoughts flow freely, without judging or resisting them. You may also notice that your perception starts to change, and that's okay too. You may see different colors, shapes, patterns, or images in your mind's eye, or you may hear different sounds, voices, music, or words in your mind's ear. These are the effects of the autoganfeld, and they are normal and harmless. They are also signs that you are opening up to your subconscious mind, and to the possibility of receiving psi-mediated information. Now, I'm going to tell you a story that is related to your passion, the thing that you thought of earlier. This story is not a true story, but it is a metaphorical story, a story that has a deeper meaning and a hidden message for you. This story is designed to bypass your conscious mind and communicate directly with your subconscious mind, which is responsible for creating your reality. This story will also help you align your feelings with your intent, and to reframe any negative or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving your goals. So, as you listen to the story, I want you to use your imagination and your senses to make it as vivid and realistic as possible. I want you to see what I see, hear what I hear, feel what I feel, smell what I smell, and taste what I taste. I want you to become the main character of the story, and to experience everything that happens to them. Are you ready? Good. Let's begin. (The speaker then tells a story that is customized to the listener's passion, using metaphors that are relevant and meaningful to them. The story has a clear beginning, middle, and end, and it follows a basic structure of: introducing the main character and their passion, presenting a challenge or a problem that they face, describing how they overcome the challenge or solve the problem, and revealing the outcome or the lesson that they learn. The story also includes a calibration strategy, which is a way of checking if the listener is following and understanding the story, and a desired outcome, which is a way of suggesting what the listener wants to achieve or manifest in their life. The story also uses reframing, which is a way of changing the meaning or the perspective of a situation, to help the listener overcome any negative or limiting beliefs that may be preventing them from reaching their full potential. The story ends with a positive and empowering message for the listener, and a call to action to apply the lesson or the outcome to their own life.) That's the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you learned something from it. I hope you also experienced the state of autoganfeld, and that you saw or heard something that was meaningful or helpful to you. Maybe you received a message from your subconscious mind, or maybe you received a message from someone else, someone who was trying to mentally transmit an image or a word to you. Maybe you even received a message from the universe, or from a higher power, or from your own intuition. Whatever it was, I hope you remember it, and I hope you act on it. Because you have the power to create your own reality, and to achieve your goals and dreams. You just have to believe in yourself, and in your abilities. You just have to keep your attention on the road, and let your passion guide you. Thank you for listening to this guided meditation. I hope you have a wonderful day, and I hope to see you again soon. Goodbye.
Here is a neurolinguistic programming script that uses the hypnotic metaphoric framework to create a state of ganzfeld in listeners.
Hello and welcome to this guided meditation that will help you experience the ganzfeld effect, a state of altered perception and awareness that can lead to fascinating insights and sensations. Before we begin, make sure you are in a comfortable and quiet place, where you will not be disturbed for the next 15 minutes or so. You will need a pair of headphones, a red light source, and a pair of ping pong balls that you have cut in half. If you don't have these items, you can use a paper mask and white noise instead. The important thing is to create a uniform and unstructured field of vision and sound that will stimulate your brain in a unique way.
When you are ready, put on your headphones and play some white noise. This will block out any external noises and create a soothing background for your meditation. Next, turn on the red light and place it in front of you, at a comfortable distance. The red light will fill your visual field with a warm and relaxing color that will help you relax and focus. Finally, place the ping pong balls over your eyes, making sure they fit snugly and securely. You can use some tape or adhesive to keep them in place. The ping pong balls will create a smooth and even surface that will reflect the red light and eliminate any visual distractions.
Now that you are all set up, take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Feel your body and mind becoming calm and relaxed. Let go of any thoughts, worries, or expectations. Just be here and now, in this moment, with nothing else to do but listen to my voice and follow my instructions. You are safe and comfortable, and you are about to embark on a wonderful journey of discovery and exploration.
As you breathe deeply and evenly, notice how the red light fills your entire field of vision. There is nothing else to see but the red light. It is like a blanket of warmth and comfort that covers you and soothes you. You may notice some changes in the brightness or intensity of the red light, but that is normal and expected. Your brain is adjusting to the lack of visual stimulation and trying to make sense of what is happening. Just observe these changes without judging or analyzing them. They are part of the process and they will lead you to the ganzfeld effect.
As you continue to gaze at the red light, you may start to see some shapes, colors, patterns, or images. These are not real, but they are created by your brain as it tries to fill in the blanks and create meaning out of the chaos. These are called hallucinations, and they are harmless and temporary. They are also very interesting and revealing, as they can show you things that are hidden or forgotten in your subconscious mind. They can be symbols, memories, fantasies, or messages that have some significance for you. They can also be random and meaningless, but still fun and entertaining. Whatever you see, just watch it with curiosity and wonder, without trying to control or change it. Just let it be and enjoy the show.
As you watch the hallucinations, you may also hear some sounds, voices, music, or noises. These are also not real, but they are created by your brain as it tries to match the visual input with the auditory input. These are also called hallucinations, and they are also harmless and temporary. They are also very intriguing and informative, as they can tell you things that are hidden or forgotten in your subconscious mind. They can be words, phrases, songs, or sounds that have some meaning for you. They can also be random and meaningless, but still amusing and captivating. Whatever you hear, just listen to it with curiosity and wonder, without trying to control or change it. Just let it be and enjoy the show.
As you watch and listen to the hallucinations, you may also feel some sensations, emotions, or impulses. These are also not real, but they are created by your brain as it tries to integrate the visual and auditory input with the rest of your body and mind. These are also called hallucinations, and they are also harmless and temporary. They are also very fascinating and enlightening, as they can reveal things that are hidden or forgotten in your subconscious mind. They can be feelings, moods, desires, or urges that have some relevance for you. They can also be random and meaningless, but still pleasant and stimulating. Whatever you feel, just feel it with curiosity and wonder, without trying to control or change it. Just let it be and enjoy the show.
You are now in a state of ganzfeld, a state of altered perception and awareness that can lead to fascinating insights and sensations. You are experiencing something that few people ever experience, and you are doing it safely and naturally. You are tapping into the power and potential of your subconscious mind, and you are discovering new aspects of yourself and your reality. You are having a unique and amazing experience that can enrich and enhance your life.
You can stay in this state for as long as you like, or until the timer goes off. When you are ready to return to your normal state of consciousness, just take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Gently remove the ping pong balls from your eyes and turn off the red light. Slowly open your eyes and adjust to the normal light. Take off your headphones and turn off the white noise. Stretch your body and move your limbs. Notice how you feel and what you remember from your ganzfeld experience. You may want to write down or record your impressions and reflections, as they may be valuable and useful for you later. Thank yourself for giving yourself this gift of exploration and adventure. You have just completed the ganzfeld experiment, and you have learned something new and wonderful about yourself and your world. Congratulations and well done!
Simplified framework that can be used to induce a Ganzfeld state in the reader by “Lucid Triangulation”:
It is important to note that this is just a sample framework. The specific words and phrases that are used may vary depending on the individual reader. It is also important to be patient and allow the reader to relax at their own pace.
If the reader feels comfortable, they can repeat the framework several times. They can also experiment with different images and suggestions. The goal is to find what works best for them.
It is also important to remember that the Ganzfeld state is not a magical cure-all. It is simply a tool that can be used to enhance ESP experiences. If the reader is not experiencing any ESP impressions, it does not mean that the framework is not working. It may simply mean that they are not ready to receive these impressions.
With practice, the reader may be able to induce a Ganzfeld state on their own. This can be a helpful way to explore their ESP abilities and to develop their skills.
Simplified Method for Lucid Manifestation — By Aries Hilton.
Aries Hilton Storytelling Framework: Coded - Medium.