N.Korea vs Trump
I have serious doubts whether the USA really has any intention of creating a peace settlement with North Korea. Up to now, the US is inferring “lay down your weapons before we consider whether or not we will negotiate for peace”. During their appearance as a unified Korea in the recent Olympic Winter Games, the leaders of North and South Korea displayed to the world their hope and willingness to negotiate for peace. I doubt if the US was privy to planning the event since the western media seemed to trivialize the significance of the act. With all the saber-rattling leading up to the Winter Olympics, both North and South understood the number of lives at risk if the Korean War was re-ignited. After N.Korea returned three political prisoners and agreed to close down their nuclear testing facility, the US has decided to schedule their mother of all military displays, a simulated attack, that the N. Koreans, have been complaining about for decades. Although Kim Jong Un initially announced he would back out of the peace talk, he has since reconsidered. The Chinese have requested to participate in the negotiation because they want to be a witness to any peace agreement. After all, when the Cold War ended, there was an understanding that NATO would not expand “one inch” eastward, unfortunately Gorbachev never got it in writing (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvAAwiyxJMw). Anyways if Trump can revoke the Iranian peace agreement and threaten to rescind trade agreements, what are peace settlements & trade agreements with the USA really worth? Making a deal with a bully has its pitfalls, they are apparently one-sided.