NJDEP has reserved a $25,000 mapping grant for all existing Tier A Municipal Stormwater Towns
Chapman Environmental Services
Chapman is your source for environmental solutions.
Just a 1-page grant form is all it takes to begin the process!
We wanted to bring your attention to this opportunity which can greatly benefit your municipality's stormwater management efforts. By participating in the Tier A MS4 grant program, you can access valuable financial support to implement crucial stormwater management projects, receive assistance in meeting regulatory requirements, and make strides toward enhancing water quality within your jurisdiction.
Chapman Environmental is the expert in supporting your municipality in this endeavor. Our team of dedicated field scientists is ready to assist you in completing the GPS mapping of your stormwater inlets and outfalls. This service is essential to help you maintain compliance with your Stormwater Permit, ensuring that you are meeting environmental regulations while effectively managing stormwater runoff.
“Chapman has been an invaluable partner in our Municipal Stormwater compliance efforts. Their expert assistance in completing the GPS mapping of our stormwater system has not only ensured compliance but also laid the foundation for improved environmental stewardship. We highly recommend their services to any municipality looking to make a meaningful impact in stormwater management." - A NJ Municipality Client
Enhance Your Stormwater Management Efforts
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like to discuss how Chapman Environmental Group can assist you further in this endeavor.