NIVELCO equipment for the cork industry
NIVELCO Process Control Co.
World-class level manufacturer of industrial level measurement and control products, based in Budapest, Hungary.
Corticeira Amorim is the largest cork manufacturing group in the world. Founded in 1870, the company recognized the enormous potential of cork, a 100% natural raw material. The company has anticipated and exceeded the market trends and expectations of some of the world's most technologically advanced sectors, including aerospace, automotive, construction, sports, energy, interior design, still and sparkling wines and spirits. The company contributes significantly to the business, market, economic, innovation and sustainability development of the entire cork industry.
Corticeira Amorim is a company specialised in the processing of natural cork and various types of cork granules, from powder to large particles. For more than 25 years, Bresimar Automa??o has been Corticeira Amorim's trusted supplier of NIVELCO instruments. These products include the EchoTREK ultrasonic level transmitter for solids, used for accurate level measurement in silos, as well as the NIVOCONT R vibrating rod, the NIVOSWITCH vibrating fork and the NIVOROTA rotary paddle switch, used to switch between high and low alarms in tanks and silos.
Bresimar has recently supplied the first THERMOPOINT multi-point temperature indicator, used for tests in a silo containing cork granules transported via a pneumatic system. The channels used for transporting cork granules can contain small stones or metal parts, the movement of which can cause sparks. These sparks can ignite the cork powders stored in the silo by air displacement during transport, which can burn with or without a flame. The primary purpose of the THERMOPOINT multi-point temperature detector installation is to detect temperature fluctuation by sensing it as early as possible to minimize damage. During the installation process, the ambient temperature was recorded at around +20?°C (+68?°F), while the temperature inside the silo was monitored at around +30?°C (+86?°F). It should be noted that in the summer, ambient temperatures can exceed +40?°C (+104 °F). During testing, the set temperature was set at +70 °C (+158?°F).
The EchoTREK ultrasonic level transmitter is also mounted in the silo for level measurement, while the NIVOCONT R vibrating rod level switch is used for level sensing in the filling cyclone. The MultiCONT multi-channel process controller receives digital information from the EchoTREK level and THERMOPOINT temperature transmitters via the HART? protocol.
The controller then processes and displays the information on the local display in the control room and performs control tasks via RS485 and relay outputs.
The following devices are used in this application
3× THERMOPOINT TMH–5B5–5 – Multi-point temperature transmitters with coated cable probe and with stainless steel counterweight
1× MultiCONT PEL–24E–6 – Multichannel Process Controller
1× EchoTREK STD–33J–2 – Ultrasonic Level Transmitter
1× NIVOCONT RKH–502–1 – Vibrating Rod Level Switch
This particular installation serves as a preliminary assessment of the compatibility of the solution with the customer's specifications. If the result meets the customer's requirements, the option of implementing this solution in several silos remains open.
Pedro Marques – Technical Director, Bresimar Automa??o