Nine of World’s top 20 Container Ports Forecasted to be in China at end of 2022
Of the world’s top 20 container ports, nine ports will be in China by the end of 2022, according to a forecast report published by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The forecast quoted by the China Science Daily added that many of China’s container ports have a growing demand for shipping services, especially in Ninbo-Zhoushan, Qingdao, and Tianjin ports.
Shanghai is expected to top the list, handling a throughput of 48.2 million TEU, a 2.5% y/y increase. Ningbo-Zhoushan port is forecast to rank third due to a rapid rebound in total container throughput, likely reaching 33.4 million TEUs in 2022, marking a 7.5% y/y increase.
China’s ports' global rankings are buoyed by its trade data. China’s foreign trade rose 8.3% y/y to 16.04 trillion yuan (US$2.38 trillion) in the first five months of this year, said China’s General Administration of Customs. The country’s exports grew 11.4% on a yearly basis to 8.94 trillion yuan, while imports increased 4.75 from last year to 7.1 trillion yuan.
“Ports are an important part of international logistics and play a vital role in global trade. China is the world’s largest manufacturer as well as the biggest country for trade in goods. The country’s huge trading activity creates great demand for container ports,” said CAS professor, Xie Gang.
Source: Hellenic Shipping News