Nine Words You Can Never Say on TV?
Larry Siedlick
Serial Entrepreneur- Chief Experience Officer @ The Montauk Beach House & Co-Founder Left Hand Coffee, former CEO Sunrise Medical Labs & The ARx Group
“FOR GOD’S SAKE – THIS MAN CANNOT REMAIN IN POWER.” – President Franklin D. Roosevelt speaking of Adolf Hitler
FDR never actually said those words – but if he had - with the hindsight of history would any reasonable human being have been upset about the use of “un-diplomatic” language? Whether the recent use of those words were the emotions of the moment or a well calculated message to Russians only history will tell. What's not in question is that the words are an accurate assessment of the situation. Let us not lose sight of what we are witnessing - another brutal amoral dictator who is willing to kill, maim and terrorize to build another totalitarian empire.
While Putin’s brutal war is certainly not yet on the scale of Hitler’s crimes against humanity there are enough similarities to concern the world. We must not be distracted by ridiculous things such as “un-diplomatic” words or the imperfections of American or Ukrainian leaders.
Remember Putin’s Strategy is one of “Divide and Conquer”
Apathy and Appeasement are Not Options
In the 1930's the world blindly ignored and appeased the "gathering storm" and millions of innocent people lost their lives as a result. For all the wrong reasons we have ignored Putin’s crimes over the last 2 decades but we can do this no more.
The price of apathy and appeasement is to live in a world dominated and ruled by evil men.
The entire world is exhausted from the pandemic but now we must gather our strength, put aside differences and unite in common defense of freedom and shared human values. We did not seek this conflict or war but we must stand strong and unwavering against Putin’s crimes against humanity and not be timid in response to his threats of escalation.
Children of the "Greatest Generations" Must Rise Up
America and the world’s “greatest generation” helped save the world from Hitler and now we, their children and grandchildren, have the opportunity to decide how we will be defined in history.
Make no mistake there will be sacrifices and economic pain for us - but know this - as you read this Ukrainian men, women & children are being massacred by Putin’s military. This is our moment in history to stand up against one of the greatest threats to humanity and freedom in our lifetime.
May America and the free world provide this "greatest generation" of Ukrainians all of our help as they fight on the front lines for freedom and human dignity. And may we all have the courage to add our names to the honor role of "greatest generations" that our parents and grandparents created for us.
And yes I say "For God's sake - this man cannot remain in power."
“There are no easy answers, but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what is morally right.” – President Ronald Reagan