Nine Whys: A Liberating Structure Menu
Jugal Patil
Senior QA Engineer | Ex JPMC | Mortgage | eCommerce | Selenium | JAVA | REST Assured | Cucumber | TestNG | Jmeter | Jenkins | AWS | BDD | TDD | ....
Welcome to the other Liberating Structures Menu: Nine Whys(20 mins)
Whenever we stuck in any situation we mostly take someone’s help to come out from that situation. We may have felt or observed, people whom we are approaching have no solution for our problems sometimes but they know how to deal with the problems in order to solve it. People whom we are approaching, they start asking you the questions to you like what you have done so far to solve this problem? why are you trying to solve this problem? Etc. So by asking such questions they are not only paying their attention to your problems but also giving you a chance to find a solution by digging more into it. In Nine Whys we do the same thing but with a proper process.
Process: Everyone has an equal opportunity to participate.
Two questions to ask during this process
1.What do you do when working on _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
2.Why is it important to you? Keep asking Why? Why? Why? Until they get the base and cannot did further.
Process goes on with first pair of two participants then group of four and in the end the whole group. 2-4-All , so this process starts with the pair.
Step1, In the pair, each participants take interview of the their partner in the pair (5 mins to each)where they ask questions:
1.What do you do when working on _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
2.Why is it important to you? Keep asking Why? Why? Why? until they get the base and cannot did further. - 10 mins
Step2, In the group of foursome, each pair share their experiences and insights with other pair. -5 mins
Step3, Invite the whole group and ask question, “How do our purposes influence the next steps we take?” 5 min.
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