Nine + Things to Keep in Mind, When You Are Leaving a Toxic work Environment Behind
Creatively Crafted by Preethi Fernando |
Behind every toxic work environment, is a toxic person. Toxic work environments are created by toxic people. They are not created by AI. If you are thinking about or already have left a toxic work environment behind, chances are, you are leaving toxic relationships behind. Here are nine emotional intelligence tools to keep in mind:
1 Not every one will be happy to see you leave a toxic work environment behind.
Don’t expect everyone in your circle to cheer you on, as you leave a toxic work environment behind. In fact, there may be friends who might feel angry or make you feel bad for leaving the toxicity behind. Not everyone will give you closure.
It’s alright.
2 Be Prepared for Your Closest Allies to Pull You Back into the Toxicity
When you have finally reached that point of leaving a toxic environment behind, don’t expect everyone to cheer you on and give you a pat on the back. In fact, the very people who you thought would be your friends who’d cheer you on, might try to pull you back. They want you to dwell in that toxicity.
Keep moving towards a healthy group of people. Remind yourself that it is alright to leave the toxic work environment behind.
3 You May Have Many Unanswered Questions
Long after you leave the toxic work environment behind and. the toxic people behind, you may still have many questions. Most of them will be unanswered. You may have questions as to why they did that behind your back, why they lied to you, gaslighting, and more. Over time, as you seek new healthy people, those unanswered questions will seem to appear in smaller font in. the back of your mind, instead of screaming out in capital letters on your forehead. Your unanswered questions will not appear to be that important anymore. It will take time to get there though.
4 Stop waiting for a formal apology
If you have been waiting for a formal apology from that toxic person, please don’t. You maybe waiting for thirty years and may still not get it. Accept the reality that someone treated you poorly.
5 ?Be vigilant of Friends Who will encourage you to return to the toxicity (even after you leave)
Toxicity is an emotionally driven behavior. You don’t have to be physically present in front of someone, in order to feel the toxic behavior affect you negatively. It can happen from 10,000 miles away. So, be careful of friends who might encourage you to return to the toxicity even after you leave. Chances are, they may be trying to keep you down to either fulfill a need to “rescue” you or to gain some power over you. They want you to be dependent on them.
6 Are You Jumping Off a Cliff By Leaving Your Job ?or Is There Something Else Lined Up for a Smoother Landing?
Do you have another job lined up? Do you have a way to pay rent or mortgage for the next few months until you find a new job? Not everyone has the luxury of quitting their job today and have someone else support them for forever, because they didn’t want to continue working in a toxic workplace. Many people don’t have this kind of luxury. Most people stay in highly toxic work environments because they need the money. Do you have another job lined up? IS there someone who will support you if not?
7 Are the people around you, toxic, or are you unsure?
Part of leaving a toxic work environment behind is to look closely at the people you associate with. Are they healthy? Sometime, someone “helping” you might be “hurting” you.
8 Closure is overrated
When you leave a toxic work environment, you may have a sense of longing for closure. You may or may not get closure from a toxic person at work. Toxic people are very “stingy” at giving closure to someone who want to leave the toxicity behind. They ant to continue playing with your mind even after you leave.
Besides, closure is overrated.
9 Cut off contact
As a last resort, you may have to cut off contact with toxic friends. Sometimes it could be toxic family. You may lose your support system. In reality, though, their support system isn’t really support. It’s harmful. Every day you are getting yourself into a deeper hole of toxicity. Cutting off contact will help you to move forward.
10 Avoid wishing harm on the toxic person
If it is too difficult to wish good things for the toxic person, at least try to not wish them or do them harm
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