Nine Reasons Your Job Application is Being Ignored

Nine Reasons Your Job Application is Being Ignored

There is nothing more frustrating than submitting your resume for a job and never hearing back from the company.? Yet there are several reasons that this might keep happening to you – and not all of them are in your control.???

You Aren’t Qualified for the Job?

You should reach for promotions and better positions, but you also need to be realistic about the job qualifications. Brand-named companies (think FAANG) are receiving hundreds of applications from across the globe for a single position. It’s unlikely that they are willing to compromise on missing skills. If you are going to reach – target smaller organizations with more flexibility.? ? Your Resume Needs a Makeover?

Check your spelling and grammar. Choose legible fonts and colors. Set up a concise, easy-to-follow format.? Once you’ve done that, then it’s time to modernize your resume.? Your resume should reflect the exact job to which you are applying. Modern technologies screen resumes in and out before human eyes ever see them.? One resume no longer fits all.?

Don’t Skimp on the Cover Letter?

Many jobs no longer require cover letters. But if you are applying for a position that could benefit from additional information (or requires a letter!), take your time and curate it to the job. Avoid AI auto-generated content and make the cover letter stand out from your resume.?

Your Online Presence Is Concerning or Inconsistent with Your Work History?

If your LinkedIn profile doesn’t match up to the resume you are submitting, you might be getting passed over for interviews.? Your online presence reflects the image you want to project to employers.? Ensure that your public profile matches your resume profile. When they don’t, recruiters move on.?

Questionable Job History?

If your job history is confusing, it’s an immediate red flag. Jumping job functions, industries, or (would be) permanent positions every few months, you can expect hiring managers to skip past your resume. It’s too time consuming to try to figure out the next logical step in someone’s career path if they haven’t explained their unusual or confusing job history.?

The Posted Job is Inactive, Old, or a “Filler”?

If a job has been open for months, it’s an immediate red flag.? There are certainly highly technical positions open that can take months to fill given the required skillset. But largely, these are few and far between.? It’s more likely that the job is old and inactive. They’re collecting resumes without any intent on acting on them. Likewise, “filler” jobs postings for generic positions might exist to build a repository of resumes for a future opening, without any real recruiting efforts.?

Hiring Isn’t a Priority?

Companies who need to hire someone urgently respond to resumes, InMails, and inquiries from applicants. But a company that is just browsing won’t be responsive and likely isn’t in the mindset to spend the time hiring a new employee right now.?

It’s an Automated Process?

Companies embraced automation and the application blackhole grew and grew.? Just as many candidates are applying to every job with one-click, companies are receiving resumes into portals that organize them and capture keywords. Most recently, AI screening tools have also become part of the hiring process- making decisions about which resumes to push forward to recruitment teams. If your resume isn’t equipped for AI screening, you’re going to get lost.?

The Person Screening Your Resume is Unqualified?

There are still many companies that have a human recruiter or talent acquisition specialist reviewing incoming resumes.? But not every TA or recruiter has specialized knowledge in certain industries. You wouldn’t expect a marketing recruiter to jump into hiring attorneys, surgeons, or Machine Learning Engineers. Screening for highly specialized positions requires experience.?


