Nine Fire Engineer qualities I admire
A while back I was told, "You will bore your reader if you make no effort to understand them."
I’m learning many ways to make my writing on Voice Alarm technology clearer and more interesting. One tip was to list the best qualities of the fire techs we'd worked with. So my colleague Dave Read and I started to do that and the list kept growing – here’s our top 9.
1. Composed Under Pressure
Have you arrived to the fire alarm blaring and an angry client insisting it’s nothing they did? Instead blaming your crap kit?
The best take this flak, remain sympathetic and avoid blaming anyone.
Once whilst out with a fire engineer he took a call from a raging client. The call was long. The cause of the client’s anger was the fire alarm would not reset and staff were walking.
Calmly, my colleague asked him to check the detection area again. There in a side room was a small fire, the client grabbed an extinguisher and saved the day and the building.
We arrived to a subdued client but no apology.
2. Resourceful
This is more than technical training. Resourceful fire techs devise clever ways to solve big and small problems. Most fixes are undocumented and some are not strictly compliant.
However, as the best fire techs tell me, the client's mood aligns with the fire panel state.
- Faulty panel = cranky client
- Panel in alarm = crazy client
- Alarm and fault free panel = contented client
That's why the shrewdest fire techs quickly and safely get the system to an idle state. Then it’s possible to have a rational discussion with the client.
Those with this skill save businesses thousands of pounds and lost work time. And saved a few site engineers from losing their job too.
3. Diligent
I admire this the most. The fire tech has been running from site to site, for more than ten hours. The temptation to do a quick shoddy fix must be strong.
Yet I’ve worked with fire techs who, knackered, still take time to do a neat repair and some extra tests. Both of which save the client the cost of a second call out.
With their bed calling, they’ll update drawings, documents and the client's staff.
The accusation that they only do all this to bump up their hours is odd. I've waited with field engineers for over 30 minutes when signing in. And waited the same time at the end, to tell the client what we've found and done.
4. A Sense of Humour
This isn’t about finding serious system failures funny. However, criticism often comes dressed as a joke.
You know the sort of thing: “Where have you been? I called an hour ago! For the amount you charge I bet you’ve just had lunch at the bloody Ritz.”
It’s easy at that point to lose it but the best find ways to handle this and keep the client on side.
I know a field engineer whose contact teased him that he did nothing but drink his tea and eat his biscuits.
After hearing this stale jibe for two years he had an idea. He brought a box of tea bags and some chocolate digestives.
At his client’s office door he threw the box of tea on to this guy’s desk which gave him a fright.
“Have a cup of tea on me and I brought biscuits too, you old miser.”
It made his contact laugh and he never made the quip again. They became good friends and whenever the contract came up for renewal they got it. I suspect the sales person took the credit for that though.
5. Keen to Learn
I’ve worked with a few fire techs and their inquisitiveness separates the best from the worst. Nothing will stop technology and standards progressing. So those fire techs not prepared to learn soon get left behind and side-lined.
The best hide their curiosity well, though. When signing in, they'll seem sober and low key: part of the “Composed Under Pressure” trait.
But once they get in front of the kit they stand taller. You'll see a twinkle in their eye and their brain switches in to top gear. The best hate being defeated.
On a recent call out, a field engineer, from Trinity Fire and Security, appeared just after me.
Trinity were working on other systems but not the PAVA side so he wasn't familiar with the system.
I went through the Voice Alarm with him and he soaked up the basics. By the end he was a useful sounding board and helped with some good ideas too. Thanks Peter (Western) of Trinity for your help.
6. ...but not a know it all.
Of course that keenness must be tempered, otherwise you get the fire tech bore. They seem to know everything but do little.
I’ve been talked –AT– by these bores for what feels like hours.
Over their shoulder their fire tech colleague rolls his eyes in sympathy. Although that might also be glee at being able to get on!
Relief comes when their colleague says right that’s all sorted we need to get going.
7. Great Communicator
As the fire tech and I sign in, you catch sight of the fast walking, fast talking client closing in.
The stream of angry consciousness covers, “your crap kit has let me down again.”
The best fire techs listen to these nonsensical outcries respectfully.
I don't believe in multitasking, but the best push and poke the fire panel whilst engaging the seething client.
Soon the client starts to relax.
The field engineer then summarizes the problem and how he will fix or investigate it. Even if it’s not an immediate fix he politely excuses himself to confer with the office.
A few minutes later he’s back, most of the time the client is calmed sometimes even happy. Quite incredible.
8. Respectful
The best fire techs are highly respectful even humble and I think that comes from two things:
- Knowledge of their fire equipment and the fire industry;
- Maturity and experience (not age related).
9. Trustworthy
This is probably the most important.
Trustworthiness = Reliability + Responsibility - Lies
Those fire techs that impressed me the most have at their core trustworthiness.
When you call or text them they take your call or get back quickly. They rarely forget to follow up. They are confident at saying, “I don’t know” but follow it with “I’ll find out,” and do.
That’s our nine. I doubt any fire engineer or person has them all, but the best I’ve met have five or more.
So to all those noble fire techs we’ve met over the years thank you for teaching us so much more than how the technology works.
I hope you all have a good day.
What other qualities do you think fire techs need?
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We’ve been building our support and training business ProAudium for a decade, helping fire installers and system integrators with PAVA projects and problems
We’ve been fortunate to enjoy a lot of success in that time, but it took a lot of work ... and we’ve made our share of mistakes along the way.
What if you could directly benefit from those years of experience and the many before – and avoid those mistakes?
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We’ve got something for you. We’re calling it PAVAcentral and it’s the first independent website for fire installers and system integrators covering this income booster.
It will go live soon so you can add your details here we’ll then tell you immediately we go live.
I hope you register and I’ll be in touch soon.