Nine (9) puzzling Yes / No things that I have just learnt from LinkedIn.
After three (3) months of actively using and lurking around in LinkedIn, these are the top nine (9) Yes / No things I have learnt - as a LI noob.
- When someone wrote ‘’Like and/or comment for me to review your profile…’’ – I am just wondering how on earth is he/she going to review thousands and thousands of those comments and likes ? Are they for real ? No ?
- Someone with so many likes – you can see their likes twice/thrice at each scroll of your mouse… Do they really like them ? Yes ?
- Some very unique postings on certain opening or job : it is the same old advert for months – word for word, nothing changed at all even after months…. Too few new jobs around ? No ?
- On the flipped-side, there are postings with loads of new jobs list that has to reference to another URL or job-portal …. Are they fake ? Yes ?
- Because LI is international and world’s largest professional network, you will surely get someone wrote in Chinese and other non-English languages… You will very likely be ignored. No ?
- There will be always a few smart investors and world's most brilliant Investment plan waiting for you in your PM in-box. If these things are so good, you don’t need LI. No ?
- LI has limited you to (free) 5000 connect-invitations, the first warning at appears at final 750-to go (?). Your last 750 invitation are so carefully selected now. No ? I saw you thinking at least twice there …
- Don’t simply PM your connection for trivial reason. You will be very likely be barred and get blacklisted and then - disconnected …. No?
- There is a clear sign of blurring of FB and LI. Certain LI entry/posting should not be even be in FB – No ?
PS : nine in Chinese - 九 is sounded the same as 久 ( means longevity ) - I guess this is a good sign - for the nine things that I have picked up so far from LinkedIn.