Nik's Google Ads Newsletter - Edition 9

Nik's Google Ads Newsletter - Edition 9

Hi there,

Nik from Armenis Digital here.

Welcome to a new Financial Year (For the Aussies anyway...)!

For those of you who missed my email this week - I've launched a group coaching program aimed at ecommerce stores and agencies a little earlier in the journey.

If you're interested just reply to this email.

Actionable Tip of The Week:

Simple search campaign for eCommerce stores Duplicate your branded search and change the keywords to broad match. You can also do this in the settings and turn on broad match. In the settings exclude your brand in the brand exclusion section. Switch your bidding strategy to maximise conversion value. No need to set a Troas yet. Add in your branded terms as negative keywords. You don’t want this to just be a second branded search campaign. Review your ad copy to make sure people will know what type of business you run. Turn this puppy on and thank me later. This will become a super powerful prospecting campaign for you. Note you do need to have some conversion data and a brand with reasonable search volume.

Best Links of The Week:

Deep Dive FAQ:

Google's New Era of Ads Presentation

Google recently released a new webinar on their vision for a New Era of Ads. There were lots of interesting topics from different speakers who represent Google.

Changing Consumer Search Behavior - More specific

An interesting topic they mentioned was around consumer search behavior and how this has changed in the last 6 months. According to Google's statistics the volume of searches with five or more words grew 1.5x as fast as shorter queries compared to the same time period last year.

Consumers are becoming clearer on what they want, and are searching exactly what they want into google. E.g. 'How to pick the right hair shampoo for girls with curly hair'.

These additional phrases in the search query are called modifiers and are becoming more prominent when consumers are searching for relevance.

Consumers Are Searching in Far More Areas

Furthermore, consumers are searching far and wide for what they want. 57% of consumers now use 5 platforms across an average of more than 7 touch points in a single purchasing journey.

Consumers want relevant information and when they have relevant information they are more likely to; spend more, to buy again, be satisfied post purchase and recommend your brand/product to family and friends.

What Should PPC Marketers Be Doing?

So we as marketers have a job to make our ads more relevant to our target customer.

We can do this through improving ad creative, ad copy and appearing on all the platforms our target audience search on. Also, through measuring consumer trends and testing what works and what doesn't.

How I Can Help You:

  1. I have a ton of free content that will help you improve your Google Ads performance on my YouTube Channel. I post valuable insights on a regular basis, that are based on my experience working with Ecommerce clients to add million of dollars to their sales.
  2. If you want help scaling your Google ads for your Ecommerce business, you can fill out this quick questionnaire. I personally review these to learn about your business and see if I can actually help. If I can't help, I might be able to refer you to someone who can.
  3. I've launched I'm Academy Group Coaching Program. Landing page coming. But hit reply and I'll send you my Google Doc.
  4. Want to watch my life and see me smoke various meats? Head on over to my Instagram.

P.S. Hit reply if you want to ask me something. I personally ready every email so don't be shy.

I hope this helps,



