Nikki’s Tip of the Week – week-ending 27th August  2016 & Upcoming Events

Nikki’s Tip of the Week – week-ending 27th August 2016 & Upcoming Events

Dr. John Demartini teaches that gratitude and unconditional love is what makes the world go around. He says that with these two factors driving your life, you will heal your body, get a natural “flow” in your life and therefore in your business and pretty much all will be well in your world. I don’t disagree. 

The trick obviously though, is to maintain that genuine, authentic, in your heart, your mind and with your whole being, feeling of gratitude and unconditional love. Therein lies the challenge!

I think, that like in most things in life, it is about ‘baby steps’ and those baby steps for me is about being generous. Generous with your time, your thoughts, your heart and within reason, even generous with your money.

The most difficult thing for me is letting people in and so my greatest and most generous gift to anyone is exactly that - letting someone in. That’s exactly what I do when I share contacts - I let you into my world.

Don’t abuse or squander those introductions, they are often liquid gold! Be grateful for them and I will be grateful that I found someone to share them with.

Here’s the deal . . .

Please feel free to engage with me, or not. Please feel free to send me your own snippets of information, early warnings, appropriate funnies and what have you, to share with other like-minded individuals, entrepreneurs and start-ups.

I hope and trust that you will enjoy the journey with me.

This weeks’ Blog:

NETWORKING 101 - Generosity Rules

By Nikki Viljoen of N Viljoen Consulting CC

In her cards on Networking Tips, Dr Renate Volpe says “Be generous with what you know. Circulate information. Connect people.”

I am often amazed at the absolute generosity of some people (Renate included) and then equally amazed at how some people will not share anything. The mind boggles – well mine does anyway!

Some people hold everything so closely to themselves, they will not give out a lead or a referral, but are sure to be in the very front of the queue if they are sure to receive anything! Go figure! 

Apart from the fact that there is an abundance of opportunity and work out there, they are so busy keeping everything close to them, they do not see what is right under their very noses – the abundance. They agonise and stress about every little thing and how people are trying to cheat them and the competition is stealing all of their ideas and business is sooo bad because . . . . Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Yet if they had only opened their hands and their hearts and gave something back, they would receive hugely.

My friend and colleague Kevin Foot always says that ‘you have to give to get’. I agree and have found that you actually don’t have to give too much in order to get a whole lot back.

Look, I don’t mean that you have to give the shirt off your back or give out your IP for nothing. Not at all. But put people in touch with one another. Give out referrals and leads. Invite your competition to a networking meeting with you – chances are that you will be able to work together on a big project that neither of you could manage to work on alone (now there’s a thought for you). 

Share information – where the next networking meeting is, who is going to be there, opportunities that are not for you but you know someone who is dying to do that sort of thing.

When you are in front of a client or even a prospective client, who you are pitching to, listen to the needs of the client – it may be that the client not only has need of your services, but also the services of someone that you know. On the other hand it may be that the client does not need your services at all, but has need of someone that you know – imagine how impressed they will be when you say “I’m sorry I cannot help you with this as it is not my field, however I can recommend Jane Doe as this is exactly what she does.”

Not only will Jane Doe think you’re great and start looking out for work for you, but the client will also bear that in mind and when they do have work that you can do for them, you will be called in. That kind of generous behaviour tends to stick out in the minds of people. 

This is the best value add that you can have.

For more information on Dr Volpe, visit her website on

Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or [email protected]

Look what’s happening at Business Engage

1.    Gender Awards 2016

2.     Rania Anderson Events

  • 6 September 2016; The Maslow Hotel, Sandton
  • 9 September 2016; The Table Bay Hotel, Cape Town

3. The Board Walk

  • 8 September; RMB Cape Town
  • 28 September; Webber Wentzel, Sandton



The Gender Mainstreaming Awards, developed by Business Engage and sponsored by PwC, in association with the 30% Club Southern Africa (, Brand SA and SA Human Rights Commission, recognise good practice in the adoption of gender mainstreaming in South Africa, and encourage the private sector to buy in to more meaningful representation of women in business.

Fourth event will be held on 1 September at Vodacom Dome in Midrand at a black tie event for 600 people.


See for more information or to book to attend the event.


Bring a male colleague! If you both register together tickets will be discounted 20% to R440,00 ex VAT per person

Internationally acclaimed author and speaker on business women in developing and emerging economies. 

The author of Undeterred: The Six Success Habits of Women in Emerging Economies, the first career advice book expressly written for educated women in developing and emerging economies.


As the founder of The Way Women Work a global platform she speaks to, advises, coaches, trains and writes for women and men at companies around the world including: P&G, GE, Barclays, PwC, Bank of America, T-Systems and O-I programs as well as at universities and conferences around the world.

Click link to profile




Date               :          6 September 2016

Venue             :          The Maslow Hotel, Sandton

Time               :          07h30 – 11h30

Cost                :          R550,00 ex VAT per person

RSVP             :          [email protected]

Date               :          9 September 2016

Venue             :          The Table Bar Hotel, Cape Town

Time               :          10h00-13h30

Cost                :          R550,00 ex VAT per person

RSVP             :          [email protected]

Bring a male colleague! If you both register together tickets will be discounted 20% to R440,00 ex VAT per person


Session 1 : What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Women Advance


The session is based on Rania’s experience coaching women in senior and executive positions, her work with women all over the world especially in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, her experience as a senior leader at a large corporation as well as her book Undeterred; The Six Success Habits of Women in Emerging Economies.


The presentation covers the specific actions that make a difference in enabling women to advance in their careers and allows men to understand the role they play in effecting the advancement for women. 3 women are identified for one-on-one coaching by a panel of senior leaders (both men and women) at the event gaining immediate wins in their advancement.


Session 2 : Building a Network for Success

How to

  • Stop random networking.
  • Build a circle of competence and a 360°network internally and externally in a culturally appropriate way.
  • Use social media especially LinkedIn to expand and deepen connections.
  • The difference between mentors and a sponsor, the importance of each and how to develop these relationships.
  • The secret to building a network.


Numbers are limited and seats are only confirmed once payment has been received. 



The Concept

The Boardwalk is an initiative that has been created to nurture the development of aspiring directors who are currently in senior management positions within medium to large companies, to help them to unlock their future potential. It aims to expose these individuals to existing directors (both executive and non-executive) and partners during an interactive networking breakfast that will encourage meaningful engagement and dialogue.

The Name

While “The Boardwalk” paints the picture of a promenade or walkway, it holds an underlying meaning of the bridge that an aspiring director needs to cross to become Board ready, as well as the journey that needs to be embarked upon.


As they take their first steps down this path of opportunity, these aspiring directors will benefit from those already sitting in the higher echelons of corporate South Africa who will offer their guidance and share their insights and challenges.

The Format

Business and other leaders will be invited to host a table of between eight and ten people. The job of the host will be to impart knowledge, experience and words of wisdom to the table, while directing the conversation.


The topics may be either specific or general as the host and the table pleases. Attendees will rotate tables twice during the breakfast, while the host remains at their table throughout.


Date               :          8 September 2016

Venue             :          RMB, Portside, Cape Town

Time               :          08h30 – 11h30

Cost               :          R495,00 ex VAT per person

RSVP             :          [email protected]

Guest Speaker :          Rania Anderson; other hosts will be confirmed

Date               :          28 September 2016

Venue             :          Webber Wentzel, Sandton

Time               :         07h30-10h30

Cost               :          R495,00 ex VAT per person

RSVP             :          [email protected]

Guest Speaker :          Sally Hutton, Managing Partner, Webber Wentzel

Topic              :          “Imperatives to increase women in leadership   positions”

Other hosts include :

Venessa Chetty : JD Group, Siegie Brownlee : Regenesys Business School; Kate Moodley : Discovery; Robyn de Villiers : Burson-Marsteller; Christine Ramon : AngloGold Ashanti; Maya Makanjee : Vodacom. 

Numbers are limited and seats are only confirmed once payment has been received. 

Kind regards




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