Nikki’s Tip of the Week – week-ending 1st April 2017 & Upcoming Events
The events of last week that have resulted in the Rand crashing (once again) together with an economy that is not growing nearly as fast as it should be are resulting in many SME’s (Small Medium Enterprises) feeling the pinch in their cash flow. Several of my clients have come to me for assistance in getting their cash flow out of a ‘crisis’ situation and when I was talking to one of my Business Bankers about the situation, she also said that many of her clients were also in a state of “Cash Flow Crisis”.
So I’m going to do something a little different - I have a realistic ‘step-by-step’ process to help you get out of (and stay out of) a “Cash Flow Crisis”, but it is a blog that is divided into 5 parts. So each week for the next 5 weeks you will get a part.
Take a big breath, stay calm and work your way through it step by step - and you will come out on the other side.
Good luck!
Here’s the deal . . .
Please feel free to engage with me, or not. Please feel free to send me your own snippets of information, early warnings, appropriate funnies and what have you, to share with other like-minded individuals, entrepreneurs and start-ups.
I hope and trust that you will enjoy the journey with me.
This weeks’ Blog:
BUSINESS TIPS – How to Manage Your Cash Flow Crisis – Part 1
By Nikki Viljoen – Viljoen Consulting
Brian Walsh of Entrepreneur and lately the “Real Success Club” always says “get clarity!” I say “If cash is King, then clarity must be Queen!”
So, let’s start off by getting ourselves very clear on what is and what isn’t.
Cash flow is the measurement between money coming in and then going out of your business. If you have more money coming into your business than going out - that’s a good thing because is profit. If you have more money going out of your business than coming in then you obviously have a cash flow problem!
There are only three (3) types of issues that cause cash flow problems and these are:-
1. You’re not making enough money. This usually means that you have to increase the number of sales that you are making or alternatively it may mean that your margins are incorrect, which means that your profits are too small or even non-existent. Either way you are not making enough money.
2. You are not getting your debtors to pay you. That means that your money coming in is insufficient to meet the needs of your money going out.
3. You are spending too much money!
Let’s unpack these individually.
You’re not making enough money.
As can be clearly seen from the above, this can be broken down further into two parts.
The first part is about sales. You are not selling enough product or service and you need to get yourself out there and sell! If that is not your strength, then you need to hire someone whose strength it is and get them to sell. If your marketing or branding needs to be improved or your product or service that needs to be updated or improved, that needs to get done sooner rather than later. Whatever must happen, must happen and then you need to sell, sell, sell!
Test and measure and then test again along the way so that you can see where things are going awry and then “tweak” them and test again. Throw away what doesn’t work and move on. Replicate what does work, it’s really as simple as that.
The second part being your margins is a little more complicated. In order to calculate your margins correctly you need to know exactly what your cost of product is and what your cost of sale is. There is obviously a huge difference between whether you are selling a product or a service but irrespective of which you sell, the issue is the same but from different perspectives and I will deal with each of these issues more comprehensively next time.
Struggling to collect your money.
Again there are two avenues here and again I will deal with them in more depth in a future article.
Basically they are:-
- Being a registered credit provider and carrying a ‘book’ and
- Being a regular, no credit offered type business.
In both cases you need to be in control of the money that is owed to you and the payment thereof.
In both cases you need to ensure that an aging analysis is generated on a regular basis to ensure that you collect your funds timeously.
Do NOT become emotionally attached to your wayward clients. Decide on the rules e.g. if they haven’t paid in 30 days they get a lawyers letter and if they haven’t paid in 60 days they get handed over to the lawyers. Stick to whatever it is that you have decided upon – no exceptions!
You are spending too much money.
Systematically go through your General Ledger and look at each and every expense and see how you can cut it.
Again, check your emotions at the door, if your staff are no longer productive for a full day, chances are that your cash-flow will no longer sustains them. Start a retrenchment process.
Next time we will delve a little deeper into the mystery that is cash-flow to get a little more clarity
Nikki is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who can be contacted on 083 702 8849 or [email protected] or
Look what is happening at Viljoen Consulting.
Viljoen Consulting in conjunction with ROCCI (Roodepoort Chamber of Commerce & Industry) and Business Engage bring you the following workshop.
Starting a Business?
Want to know how to run a business?
Then This Is The Place to Start!
A Large Percentage of New Businesses Fail, Learn Highly Practical Skills That Will Give Your Business a KickStart.
A Basic Practical Guide To Starting and Running A Business
- Get started in the right direction to ensure transition from wannabe to business owner
- Ensure maximum productivity and minimum effort.
- Get your processes and procedures in place to ensure your business is built on a strong infrastructure that will translate into a sustainable business.
The Workshop
- Address everyday issues that arise when stating a new business
- How to save you time, money and energy.
- How to effectively handle start-up administration, operational requirements and registration.
The Basic Practical Guide to Starting a New Business Will Include:
- Registered Company Vs Sole Proprietor
- Accounting Records & General Admin
- Banking Accounts
- Receipts and Banking
- Cheque Payments and/or Internet Payments
- Invoices
- Credit Notes
- Bank Reconciliations
- Petty Cash
- Control of Numbered Stationery
- Computerised Accounting
- Staff & HR Issues
- Security/Safety
- Money Laundering
- Filing
- Stock Control
About the Facilitator:
Nikki Viljoen is an Internal Auditor and Business Administration Specialist who has in excess of 35 years’ experience in this field both from a banking and Corporate perspective as well as almost 10 years as an Entrepreneur. Nikki is the founder of Viljoen Consulting, and is passionate about assisting smaller companies to establish controls and processes that will result in sustainable business structures.
Nikki’s business blog was recently ranked 5th in the world in her category.
Venue and Booking Info:
Date: Wednesday 24th May 2017
Time: 08.30 to 3.30m. (Registration from 08.00 onwards). Please allow additional travelling time to combat traffic.
RSVP: Please book by No later Than Friday 19th May 2017
Venue: ROCCI (Roodepoort Chamber of Commerce & Industry)
Constantia Corner Office Park, cnr Christiaan de Wet &Ondekkers Road (entrance in Wattle Street, Florida Park. Roodepoort, Johannesburg.
Cost: R1 495.00 (ex VAT)
(Includes breakfast snack / refreshments and course material) – lunch can be purchase from several venues within walking distance of the venue Remember Standard Bank Voucher holders, ROCCI paid up members and Business Engage paid up members get a 20% discount.
Hurry! Book Now Spaces limited !
Business Engage ( formerly Women in Finance) delegates please contact Colleen Larsen on [email protected] or 084-353-9865.
Paid up Business Engage members get a 20% discount.
Paid up ROCCI members get a 20% discount
Look what’s happening at Business Engage
The Concept
The Boardwalk is an initiative that has been created to nurture the development of aspiring directors who are currently in senior management positions within medium to large companies, to help them to unlock their future potential. It aims to expose these individuals to existing directors (both executive and non-executive) and partners during an interactive networking breakfast that will encourage meaningful engagement and dialogue.
The Name
While “The Boardwalk” paints the picture of a promenade or walkway, it holds an underlying meaning of the bridge that an aspiring director needs to cross to become Board ready, as well as the journey that needs to be embarked upon.
As they take their first steps down this path of opportunity, these aspiring directors will benefit from those already sitting in the higher echelons of corporate South Africa who will offer their guidance and share their insights and challenges.
The Format
Business and other leaders will be invited to host a table of between eight and ten people. The job of the host will be to impart knowledge, experience and words of wisdom to the table, while directing the conversation.
The topics may be either specific or general as the host and the table pleases. Attendees will rotate tables twice during the breakfast, while the host remains at their table throughout.
Date : 10 May 2017
Venue : EY, 102 Rivonia Road, Sandton
Time : 07h30-10h30
Cost : R495,00 plus VAT per person
RSVP : [email protected]. Numbers are limited and are on a first come first served basis. Payment confirms the booking.
In today’s increasingly sensitive political and social climate in the workplace, emphasis is being focused on transparent processes and the rights of the individual; while informed media thrives on communicating to the public the successes and failures of prominent individuals. It is, therefore, becoming more essential than ever that high-profile individuals realise that their successes and legacies in leadership are depending less on their power and authority bases, and more on their skilled abilities in areas such as persuasion, communication, and negotiation.
In the world of diverse interests, the person who is able to persuade others in an ethical and responsible manner to achieve desirable corporate objectives, is being set apart as an effective and indispensable leader. Although most will agree that “if one continues to behave in the same way in which one is accustomed, one will continue to get the same results”, many in authority continue to use their positional power in an attempt to achieve results; only to then bemoan the repetitive “undesirable” results that they get from their subordinates. These ineffective “patterns of behaviour” by both managers and their subordinates can be changed in order to achieve productive outcomes, provided that the leader learns and exercises skills particularly in the power of persuasion; as well as how to detect and re-channel the unethical persuasive manipulation of others into positive outcomes.
Advanced interpersonal skills, based on the recent transformational technologies, such as NEURO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING (NLP) and TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS (TA), can empower you to identify ineffective incompetence’s in both yourself and others; and, by implementing the practical techniques of persuasion, rapidly facilitate you in effectively transforming these into desirable, competent and lasting results.
1. A practical understanding of how "Positional Power" and "Personal Power" influence communication; and how to apply techniques of persuasion to obtain successful outcomes.
2. A practical understanding of the "Process of Transformation", i.e. moving from unconscious incompetence to unconscious competence, in order to unlock personal excellence, and facilitate others in this transformational process.
3. A practical understanding of how a person's criteria and perceptual filters influence perceptions and how they sort information; and how to utilize these fundamental elements in the process of persuasion.
4. Practical techniques for building trust and rapport with another person in order to reduce perceived differences in any interpersonal situation, so that you can persuade that person to achieve desirable outcomes.
5. The language paradigm of persuasion; and structured communication skills:
5.1 Active listening skills - in order to gather relevant information from others;
5.2 Structured questioning techniques - in order to elicit precise information, and reduce misunderstandings;
5.3 Sensory acuity – in order to detect the non-verbal signals from another person, especially regarding resistance and unproductive manipulative behaviours; and how to effectively and respectfully re-channel these behaviours into productive outcomes.
5.4 Language patterns for giving information and instructions in a clear and precise manner, in order to maximise results; and for giving meaningful and comprehensive feedback to others, in order to ensure adherence to required standards of behaviour.
5.5 Linguistic techniques for facilitating others in changing their non-productive patterns of behaviour, and expanding their behavioural alternatives – e.g. by dissociating from and reframing inappropriate behaviours into appropriate responses, in order to achieve desirable outcomes.
6. Skills for designing structured outcomes with others in order to reduce misunderstandings, increase the arena of agreement, and ensure the achievement of required results.
7. The enhancement of thinking skills, especially in the areas of linear and lateral thinking, expanding paradigms, and the logical levels of thinking; in order to improve your ability to manage complexity and conflict, and negotiate mutually beneficial outcomes with dissenting parties.
8. Skills (based on NLP and TA techniques) for dealing with undesirable behaviour (such as emotional outbursts, aggression, apathy, sabotage, etc.) in order to channel it into worthwhile outcomes and improved interpersonal relations.
Two full days of in-house training.
A half-day follow-up session about two weeks after the training in order to provide delegates with the opportunity to give feedback regarding the effectiveness of the training; and to receive further guidance in dealing with various problematic situations. Date to be agreed.
The Power of Persuasion Workshop is primarily designed for managers and leaders of others.
No more than 12 delegates per workshop so that each delegate has ample opportunity to practice in work-groups the techniques being taught; and to discuss relevant issues concerning persuasion in their unique daily environments.
Date : 8 and 9 May 2017
Venue : Northern Suburbs, Gauteng
Time : 08h30-16h30 both days
Date : 22 May 2017
Venue : Northern Suburbs, Gauteng
Time : 08h30-13h00
R4850 (including VAT) per person. Limited to 12 delegates for event. Payment secures your booking.
[email protected]
2017 – 1996:
Oxygen For Life S.A. (Pty) Ltd: Mike is currently the chairman of Oxygen For Life S.A. (Pty) Ltd, a wholly-owned South African company that imports nutritional and environmental products from America, and packages and distributes them to various countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Mike started the company in 1996; and in 2006, received the Mogale City Chamber of Commerce & Industries Independent Entrepreneur Achiever Award; with Oxygen For Life being the overall winner of the Business Achiever of the Year Award.
Mauritius: During the past 7 years, while developing the Oxygen For Life business in Mauritius, Mike invested in two property development companies there, and still manages interests in one of them.
2016 - 1983:
Interactive Dynamics CC: Before he started Oxygen For Life S.A. (Pty) Ltd, Mike was the sole owner of a consulting and training organisation, Interactive Dynamics Close Corporation, which he started in 1983. Mike specialises in the fields of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Personal Development, Communication, Negotiations, Mentoring, Stress Management, and Industrial Relations; and still conducts select top management workshops for some of his long-standing clients.
Prior to 1983:
Prior to starting his own company, Mike specialised in human resource development, holding positions in management consultancies, such as that of Managing Director of Gemini Industrial Relations Training Systems (Pty) Ltd, and senior consultant and shareholder of FSA-Contact (Pty) Ltd; and being a part-time lecturer at the Business Schools of both UNISA and the University of Pretoria.
Mike holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master of Business Leadership degree, both from UNISA, and studied post-graduate psychology at UNISA for a further two years after obtaining his BA degree. He is a registered Training and Development Practitioner with the South African Board for People Practice, and with the Mauritian Qualifications Authority; and a Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), registered with the North American Association of Neuro Linguistic Programming, and the International NLP Training Association (INLPTA) based in U.S.A.
Mike has spoken at various conferences throughout Southern Africa and internationally (Venice, Las Vegas, Tokyo, Amsterdam, and Mauritius); has published articles and a book on NLP; and has lectured in Organisational Behaviour on the Managerial Advancement Programme (MAP) at the University of the Witwatersrand, and on the Management Development Programme (MDP) which was underwritten by the University of Pretoria.
Throughout the years, Mike has conducted numerous courses in Neuro-Linguistic Programming; has counselled many people; and is still the personal mentor to various people, including senior executives of corporations, top sports people, and senior members of government (as a result of his involvement in the Peace Accord in the 1990s).