Nightmare following the Nightmare at HSS

Nightmare following the Nightmare at HSS

People generally look down on Whistleblowers and label them as pests or 'snitches', but I could not disagree any more with them. Whistleblowers prevent injustice and stop criminals in their tracks and all for a good cause; They don't need to think twice about taking just action towards fostering a better world and without asking for anything in return from anyone.

I attempted to report my observations of injustices and cruelty that I witnessed in the Hospital for Special Surgery out of pure despise for the injustice and the employment fraud that they have been engaging in casually. It's as though no one cares or people have been conditioned to fear expressing their true feelings towards leadership.

I have been harassed non stop since I uploaded my article, 'Nightmare at HSS' and the amount of hate, disturbances, stalking and more that I have experienced daily and to this moment is just staggering. I am not sure if I am considered an official whistleblower, but if not, I can only dare to imagine what whistleblowers have went through and are most likely still going through to this day. In my opinion, they are Heroes or Angels in every sense of the word; They compromise their comfort, mental health, physical health, finances and overall wellbeing towards helping others which is very noble and admirable in my opinion.

Below are a list of the unusual experiences I have personally encountered since uploading my article. To some, Most may seem like regular inconvenience that just happened to coincide in timing with my article , but I can assure you it is far from anything normal especially in the area where I currently reside. Some of what I am about to mention are out of this world experiences and won't make sense to most probably, but I chose to note them in hopes of reaching out to some who hopefully will understand what I am about to list. Most of my life, I have been very grounded and very skeptical towards the unseen/unknown, therefore a lot of the experiences confused me to no end initially. However, recently someone on linkedin said that I am a targeted individual and introduced me to the website It's only after exploring that website, that I started making sense of some of the things:

  • I consistently applied to over 700 jobs since August 12th. Most of them were very close matches to my work experiences and skills and all I received were rejections from probably 20 and radio silence from all other 680 plus jobs which made me wonder if the Hospital for Special Surgery had anything to do with it (dare I say, freemasons?). I am basically in employment limbo as I write this.

  • I have been hacked multiple times and being a computer whizz myself, I am very aware. They probably use non-conventional means to achieve their goals. I have some of the best paid Anti-malware, VPN and security software, but those don't stack up to something much more advanced that they potentially possess (again, secret society tech maybe?). Examples of those would be, pop ups, links being clicked without me even moving the mouse or pressing any buttons, music would turn on by itself, windows would close by itself, TV turns on/off by itself.. you name it. Furthermore, My Playstation 5 camera stopped working out of the blue, my bank account shut down temporarily for suspicion of fraud (same with my amazon and Google accounts), twitch streams would disappear pre maturely and clicking on linkedin hyperlinks would lead to different pages than the title of the hyperlink itself.

Twitch link malfunction.

  • A lot of the times as I walk the streets and pass by particular individuals, my phone would go haywire as the screen starts to flicker and google overlays would pop in and out. Simultaneously my Bluetooth headphones would just cut off for a split second; Never had any issues like this until in the last 4 months or so.

  • I vent off my theories and observations to a very close friend whom I consider a brother; This helped me stay grounded and heard. He always listened to me and was very talkative and curious encouraging me to speak more. I completely regret this selfish decision; One day as I might have exposed too much possible information and right after I hung up the call, someone was clearly drawing a circle around his avatar (personal image on whatsapp) on my screen as if threatening me by targeting him. As of now, my friend seems like he is in a trance. Talks slower, seems tired all the time and barely wants to talk about anything. To put it bluntly, he is not himself. I pray for him everyday and regret my selfish decision to vent off to him.

My phone is always updated and has the latest paid Anti Malware. Never have I received this many random pop ups. And No, I have not subscribed to any news letter or accepted any cookies or visited any suspicious websites.

  • I received a connection request from an HSS employee who at the time, claimed that he is no longer working for the Hospital. He wasn't exactly a friend; On the contrary, he was a part of Service Excellence who relentlessly bullied me and he himself even showed resentment towards me when I was still working there. I don't judge others so I tried to give him some support by lending him an ear. But, we really did not talk much. He wanted me to specifically know that his boss and her assistant both were let go and deleted just those two messages right after sending them. Not that it matters to me, but I checked and discovered that his claim was false.

  • Strange people on Linkedin. From someone who solicited me to join the freemasons to someone who responds to my comment, connects with me, insists on helping, then blocks me and deletes even the original comment that he/she responds to so I may not discover their name ( I get at least 3 of those per week). I was fortunate enough to screenshot one of the conversations recently and as you can see in the video, the LinkedIn software states that the message might contain harmful or unwanted content:

Emmanuel Ishola to a comment I made on someone else's post. Requested to connect and insisted on requesting my resume even after I told him I am going overseas and won't be needing any help. He later blocked me and deleted his original comment.
Why do you need me resume if I am going to Japan?

  • I live in an area where the majority of residents/ citizens are of Middle Eastern decent and it has been that way for all 3 plus years I lived here. Right after I uploaded the article, I observed that about 80%~90% of the people I come across on my walks/grocery trips are Caucasian males and females that are 60 years old at least and up. It would have been completely negligible and coincidental as far as timing, but the fact that they all seem to stare at me (not my direction) and show the same expression that all 'Hive minded' Hospital for Special Surgery employees displayed previously and the fact that at least 2 or more would follow right behind me as I enter a store lead me to raise an eyebrow initially. I have since learned to ignore, but that didn't change the fact that they are still there and more persistent than ever. What is even more concerning to me is that my dog Finn is very reactive towards them even when they are 10 or more feet away from us, he seems to shiver and hide in the sling bag I carry him in and he even jumped out a couple of times (falling on his head and hurting himself) and attempted to escape. It is just very noticeable and takes a lot of effort to ignore the differences and pretend things are normal especially, when they progressively evolve their harassment tactics.

  • Crimes in my neighborhood have skyrocketed. I hear gunshots, and sirens every couple of hours if not hourly (It even wakes me up at night; 1am, 2am, 3am you name it) compared to the zero per week before all this. I even recently heard a very loud explosion a couple of blocks away. I consistently check my 'Citizen' app and the crimes are just odd.... Vehicle crashes, fires and robbery are the norm now.

  • I hear very distinct and particularly aggressive loud cars and motorcycles. They started off being very distant (5 blocks or so away). The neighborhood was very quiet before all this so even that made me alert. But as of now, they are unapologetically loud and are literally a block away or on the street closest to my residence and it seems the sounds are always in synch with the posts or remarks I am posting about HSS on social media. They would park for a couple of seconds and Rev their engines extremely hard and aggressively (I sense lots of anger, hate and frustration); The Aggressive revving would follow with this very distinct pop pop pop noise behind. I tried to look out the window and noticed that at least 3 different newer model vehicles were the culprit; I recorded a couple of them at least.

Those are just a few general things. There are far more matters that would just make me seem like a crazy person ranting so I decided to leave them out. But, I must add those next few observation as I feel they have really affected my health and ability to function at my full potential.

  • I developed a lump behind the right ear and one that is more visible on left ear lobe after the covid 19 vaccinations. The lump would sometimes cause further ones to develop in the upper part of the ear. I sought help from 3 different doctors and they all failed to help get rid of any of them. I saw dermatologists, plastic surgeon and general doctors, but none of them were able to help; They all just tell me not to squeeze it. Odd thing is, its not just cosmetic as often times when it swells up, it makes me feel real tired, sleepy and slow. when I squeeze and drain it myself (painful as that is), I feel a great surge of energy following that and just feel better overall 100% of the time.

  • When the lump is not drained, I would get stomach aches each time I finish eating a meal (2 hours at most and it lasts for half a day). I never had IBS or any other gut problems so this was alarming. Again, doctors could not help.

  • I don't know if this is also related to the latter, but I have nightmares daily and wake up sweating profusely. Odd since I am not consciously nervous or scared as I just tried to ignore all distractions and live life given my less than desirable situation. It is definitely not easy, but I don't turn in bed thinking about it before I sleep...

Lastly, as previously mentioned in other posts, I have contacted TheJointCommission, EEOC and they both weren't able to aid me. Later, I contacted the HRA and even attempted to hire attorneys (out of pocket). Surprisingly or maybe as expected at this point, none of them have reached back after calling to acquire basic information like demographics and the name of the institution I am reporting.

I pray to God everyday that all things will change for the better. If not, I guess this is what normal life is like for a whistleblower and I am not even sure if I am one.

If you have been in a similar situation and understand more, please don't be a stranger and reach out. Any help is appreciated. I am thinking about creating a youtube account to discuss this and reach out to other targeted individuals in the near future and will for sure be announcing it on linkedin so please stay tuned.


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