Upkar J. S. Dhaliwal
Tech & Engineering @ Undisclosed | Chartered Engineer, Senior Member SMIEEE
CTN Issue: October 2016Alan Gatherer, Editor in Chief, ComSoc Technology News
5G shmiveG. This month Shahid and Jonathan from the Instituto de Telecomunica??es in Portugal are here to tell us a scary story of a world where spectrum is in short supply and applications you thought were dead and buried have come back to demand their share of the grisly spectrum pie. Who thought the ITU could be this interesting? Viewer discretion advised and comments, as always, welcome.
The Spectrum: Scary Resource for 5G
Shahid Mumtaz and Jonathan Rodriquez, Instituto de Telecomunica??es, Portugal
This is Great Read into the glooming spectrum use and spectrum wars coming up both in Licensed (MNO, VMNO), Lightly licensed (CBRS), Unlicensed spectrum use like -LTE-U - MuLTEfire ( or even more radical I contend - Grey spectrum use Dynamic spectrum use..
Will MNO and TEM survie able to evolve networks at the rate of deployment, network densification with regulatory, licensing and street planning needed for such transition from 4G to world of dense radio heads
Lets see what happens as we get closer to WRC-19 and IMT2020 is born with its coming out party showcases- Summer Olympic 2020
Great job Alan again and Great work Shahid, Jonathan bringing us all this summary, hope you make it to IEEE Globecom 2016 or see you in San Diego SDIEEE
Promoting IEEE COM-S to wider world
Upkar Dhaliwal, IEEE COM-S North America Board Region 6 Representative, IEEE San Diego Section Chair