Nigeria, Nigeria, Nigeria – All Swagga but No Security 3 x 100 Girls Gone- Again!
Dr. (Hon) Jennifer Obaseki
Multi Award Winning Lawyer - Founder of LegalPaal LLP & Obaseki Solicitors & Estate Agents Google says I'm a politician but i am simply a Humanitarian! Open to brand Collaboration
For the latest 315 Kidnapped Sisters – Things Must Change. - By Dr J.Obaseki
For the 3rd time, there has been a mass Abduction of Girls from a school. in Nigeria, we have the biggest population on the continent, an envious pool of resources, obviously the best jollof rice, and prettiest women (just saying), in the world. How can it be that in the same country, that has one of the richest women in the world, and the most intelligent people, insurgents, criminals, and terrorists specifically Boko Haram can run riot? These insurgents have displaced millions, killed thousands, and abduct hundreds unchallenged.
Over the last year in Nigeria, Covid19 has taken the lives of many but it has not had the fatal impact some predicted. Malaria and hunger have possibly killed more. Instead, violent crime and insurgency have spread like Cancer. For 3rd-time a mass of girls has been kidnapped from a government school. In this recent incident, over 315 girls! Note, it would have been over 500 girls but many parents were too scared to return their daughters to the boarding hostel and so made them attend as day students. This mass abduction took place despite DAYS of reports and requests for help due to incidents relating to strange men in the town and around the hostel. The school reportedly wanted to close but waited for directions in order to do so.
In the popular case from Chibok, 7 years ago 276 girls were taken from a hostel where they were preparing for exams, it received and a lot of attention. The #BringBackOurGirls movement was started, and at the time got celebrity suppor even from Michelle Obama. However, at the time Johnathan Goodluck was the President strangely when the Nigerian government was offered International military support to extract the Chibok girls, after being located, the Nigerian government REFUSED. Allegedly funding for various programs, from education to disarmament, and vocational training programs went into Nigeria. To date, more than 100
girls are still missing despite proof of life videos. Many high society women push NGOs, apply and received funding some on grassroots initiatives, but others on lovely staged pictures but a lot is simply dissipated. But the problems of the girl child in Nigeria, even in Africa requires more than money and empowerment ‘Kumbyas and prayers’ to resolve. They need proper legislation and government action.
At that time, of Chibok some in GBV circles and aware of operations in Nigeria felt that the puzzle of their disappearance had many questionable pieces. Reports from escapes and of survivors of the kidnappers staggering resources, some of the victims not of the educational ability to be writing exams, those returned not allowed to speak or have contact with their families etc etc. All just signs of a ‘New Low’ and a potential sign that worse times were possibly ahead. And it seems they were right. However, a positive sign is those Kidnapped in Karaga 2 weeks before the date of this piece have been freed. That included teachers family members and students. It is said initially demands were made and it is not clear at the time of writing this how and when they were leased
Fast forward to 2021. Nigeria has since had a new president Mohamed Buhari. Some say he is not in control and a close ring of advisers, are the true decision-makers, due to his age, having ill-health and even spent months during his tenure in the United Kingdom receiving medical treatment. But he is back ‘on seat’ and his ring of supporters remain loyal. However, the country is suffering a serious security problem. In the last few years over $18million has been paid in ransom demands and despite payment, many victims killed. Nigeria also has some of the world's most beautiful houses, but also, some of the world's largest Internally Displaced Person Camps. Over 3.4 million people have been displaced, including over 2.7 million internally and that is increasing.
There is also Tribal fiction and even calls for the country to split. Co-ordinated movements of Odudua Nation (in the South -Yoruba’s ‘Yoruba Nation’ and in the East -Igbos ‘Indigenous people of Biafra’) wanting independence. They detail government-sponsored disruption, corruption, disproportionate reallocation of resources, and insist things don’t just need to change but devolution of power and ultimately separation of the country. Meaning more and more focus on the 2023 elections.
The Solution for Nigeria's kidnappings and crime wave, is not more bullets or money and it comes down to leadership. A leader that ensures proper working of organs of government from the soldiers and police who would need to be trained and catch the criminals, through to the courts that would hold trials and sentence to prisons that should hold punish and rehabilitate. But there is not alot of patience for real change as that will entail truth, time skill, substance and accountability. Too many in authority and in the decision-making circles prefer to look like they are doing the job. Those that speak the truth are put down or silenced some even get tired. People have not been concerned enough about social matters if what is happening does not directly affect them. Definitely, they are concerned about what does affect them, looking good, ie Swagga, bling and keeping up appearances and feeding egos fueling private jets. But the instability is coming closer south and affecting more people. The whole population is nervous.
In Nigeria, if an arbitrary, trial, sentence or instant justice, (tyre, matches, petrol or machete ) does not kill you then you are lucky. If you are guilty, or even innocent and avoid the instant justice option but and cannot, ‘bribe your way out, then a host of many other issues may lead to due legal process not taking effect, such as; delay, lack of Forensic evidence, Lack of power to ensure computer process data or lack of capacity and or ineptitude of officials. Following a prison break in my home state, few innocents but also very many guilty prisoners broke free. Some had tails of years of detention with no formal charges or trials. In some states, Vigilantes are sponsored to keep the peace as police and military are so poorly trained and under-resourced. Suspects and criminals are caught by vigilantes and sadly also killed together. No trial, no due process just the law of the street, and the videos are floating all over Whats App and social media to prove it.
The Arms of the Niergain government need to be equipped to and enforce the law and protect citizens. There also needs to be detailed protection along the National Borders as a priority. Immigration and customs officers are often outgunned so do not hold their locations. They are also out-resourced by criminals who somehow have vehicles and technical assistance along with firepower. As a result insurgents are able to move quite freely, smugglers also are active and criminal activity is spurn. Good governance can only happen when those in power respect the mandate and duty upon them. Also, the government needs to value the citizens, humanise situations and be accountable. Things have been so bad in the North East of Nigeria, for so long that military forces from Niger, Chad, and Cameron often come into Nigerian territory to Curb Boko Haram and insurgent activity due to the fact the Nigerian governments have failed to do so. Otherwise, problems would continue to spill into their own countries
The EndSARS movement grew out of the abuse of power and even the deaths at the hands of enforcement officers. It was the youth's way of replying to corruption targeted at them. But upon that movement jumped the voice of upset Nigerians, about many other elements of bad governance in Nigerian society. Despite Nigerian Citizens having the freedom to protest detailed in the Nigerian constitution, witnesses recorded state-sponsored attacks, prevention on protestors and at the Lekki Toll Gate the killing of unarmed youths. To date, the usual international condemnation has passed, whispers of sanctions but nothing else. However, some protestor's bank accounts are still frozen so they know they are targeted by the government and the Lagos mortuary has not been able to hand over bodies to relatives.
- The Nigerian Government has smacked down and or locked up the loudest critics DJ-Switch has sought Asylum in Canada, Sowore is on Bail and Kanu in Exile buy younger and stronger organised voices in Nigeria and in the Diaspora are rising. The Nigerian government has changed its initial responses to EndSARS, ie acknowledging fatalities after initial denials. In response to Boko Haram, they were dismissive before Chibok and said they were unserious and now the government flutters between saying they are contained to statements on progress. The Herdsmen issue is also growing out of control as the government says they have legal rights and state governors and the masses object. Again all this alongside the increased crime wave. For sure, this latest kidnapping of 315 young sisters will soon have their own panel, movement, funding, forums, debates, and inquiries etc etc .
But will there ever be substantive change, accountability and security in Nigeria? Have insurgents been emboldened? Will it take abductions in large numbers in the South or of more prominent individuals for people or the government to take affirmative steps? The security situation is currently so bad that waves of crime have hit parts of the South and East of the county like never before and compounded due to the pandemic and Herdsmen. ‘What do you mean by Herdsmen?’ I hear the non –Nigerians ask, well imagine cattle ranchers being told their cows can graze anywhere they want, including in towns. So they trespass on property, eat crops, and in addition, the Cow Boys and herders proceed to steal and rape. Once again Senators and governors debate, meetings, officials, and Commentators have one meeting after the other and more forums, plus interviews and of course debates. Sad to say that the country is so misogynistic, that some of these recent Security forums don’t even invite women on them for input, despite the numbers in enforcement and staggering numbers of women and girls adversely affected.
What Next
Elections are scheduled in 2023 and some feel these events are the precursor to strategic regional strongholds of insurgency by those who want to remain influential. Elections on the African continent are not simply about casting votes due to lack of transparency and inability to control large areas and lack of voting infrastructures. Elections are not determined by votes but by people's power meaning 'physical' power. Millions can put ballots in a box but if few come with guns and take the box that is it! Influence and control win elections even at that the Military can then come and take it away. Many Nigerians have taken off their rose-tinted glasses due to EndSARS, others that previously pled ignorance cannot ignore another 315 sisters taken. Many refused to demand accountability in the past. This time the truth is no one is shocked as it reflects the state of decline in the country. It simply was a matter of time. But it is evidence of the extent to how bad things have fallen. So systemic is the lack of enforcement, lack of value given to poor people, and in particular Women & Girls in the North, that it seems to a major contributory factor leading to this sad state. Praying for their safe return of my 315 little sisters.
J.Obaseki -Copyright(c)JenniferObaseki [email protected] ,, ,,
Helping Businesses Recruit & Hire the Best Global Talent – "If It Can Be Done Remotely, It Can Be Done Globally"
4 个月Thanks for sharing Jennifer, just followed!
Multi Award Winning Lawyer - Founder of LegalPaal LLP & Obaseki Solicitors & Estate Agents Google says I'm a politician but i am simply a Humanitarian! Open to brand Collaboration
4 年It is concerning that days ahead reports and requests made yet no action. 317 cant be moved without proper arrangements
CEO at Cvgods
4 年Inside job. I think.
Advocate at Ilaka & Associates (DRC) Advocate at Obaseki Solicitors (England)
4 年Hi Jenny You are totally right