Nigeria at 57: Strategic Imperatives from a three dimensional launch for a national rebirth. As we prepare for a new fashion.

A contribution from James Komolafe, Personal Energy Manager and Behavioral Health Expert at the School of Articulation and Behavioral Alignment Clinics Aka SABA Clinics… Enquiries 08035999220; [email protected]

Hurray! By political independence, Nigeria is 57 years today. A 57 year old man is by no means a young man by any respect. He is supposed to have been whole, hale and hearty to stand in his authority and post his responsibilities well over a wide area network giving his net worth and that- without seams!

Many upheavals within the last 57 years have left the nation in a sordid and almost a comatose state at various moments (though not particular to Nigeria only). As Nigerians, at both the leadership and the led levels, we have contributed to wasting resources both human and material and have driven the state automobile of the on various grounds towards an unpalatable precipice. Oh what a near total disaster from a negative dictum over the decades have we sponsored!

A call for a new lease

Many of us can spell out in a jiffy what has not worked and the rationale behind acute inefficiency and sheer ineffectiveness. Time has come to look at what can work and actually work it out through critical thinking and problem solving skills. Leadership must begin to evolve and emerge from critical quarters. It is time to put into annihilation the pointing of fingers,the accusation and time to put paid to the blame game. We need the leadership that solves problem and generate new concepts within our given context on a national and geopolitical note.

Let's for once have cursory look from the positive side of the matter

Nigeria needs change makers now; from economy to politics to other critical sectorial manifestations. What can work from a positive dimension must be worked. We want to begin to celebrate strong institutions as against just great politicians, personalities and leaders.

Personal energy governance must be enthroned as men; individuals begin to obey their respective energy regimes for meaningful and productive living. Energy dissipation must necessarily be marked up with a daily vibration and power demonstration that creates the very sane society we are looking for without downplaying the moral, ethical and professional values that would produce worthy platforms for massive action plans in social contributions. Men must build their lanes of energy and burn same through specific stretch protocols that invigorates and authenticates the reality of their personalities. The behavioral health and its 4 fundamentals of personal authority, relative sensitivity, rounded productivity and entrenched longevity must be given a face lift in the individuals, institutions and at government levels.

Corporate governance need be installed in all spheres of life. Where the systems and structures are ‘lined managed’ and aligned through seamless and transparent processes and procedures through dexterity, deliberate creation and intentional way of life by all and sundry in the place of leadership whether at private or corporate note. Where systems and structures run on ‘autopilot’ with the appropriate checks and balances in situ, then we would be ready for a new Nigeria. The monster of corruption would be stifled as the killer virus in people will starve to death in the homes, organizations and institutions and government. The trigger for such anti-social etiquette in the land would all be removed as policies would take over politics and positioning taking over the place of absolute power. Workplace psychology would fast replace sycophancy and a death blow would be dealt to a number of his ‘first cousins’ creating the social upheavals in our nation.

What are 7 critical thinking and problem solving imperatives that will birth a new Nigeria for the ultimate independence? Can we all vote for these? They are the much needed timely apparatus which must gain ground as a new impetus.

It must permeate the gamut of the three economic levels. The individual units, the institutions and the government;

1. The key of conviction

Everyone must rise from the platform of conviction to build a combustible fire for the much needed redress and restoration..What is the web of solution welling up from everyone?. The bread of accusation and condemnation has not been able to feed anyone up till now. In conviction, a man rises up with a million pound determination for a change having been conquered from his inside by a compelling spiritual, mental and emotional framework from his inside. He stands for what can be for the common good and would defend it with the pint of his last blood. Conviction is the fundamental stone and the foundational bedrock upon which a solution mass is laid. Men seek to conquer the wrong stuff outward when nothing conquers them from the within first for solution. We see rat races as against the right races in life. Conviction within delivers from confusion without

2. The key of Vision

To see a new Nigeria must transcend the level of songs. We must see it to seize it first. The inner light of men must begin to touch their inherent might for outward relevance and worth. The object of their sight must be the one that would sign them on a new platform for relative resonance that gets them going places and growing. Men and women must begin to see and visualize solutions from the inner searchlights. The emergence of a new nation would come through new visions that would deliver the much needed solutions in specific lanes. True vision for recovery delivers from vicious circles.

3. The key of Mission

Men and women, individuals and organizations on mission would have the least of the times and opportunities to combat with irrelevances and frivolities. They hold in their hands the baton of assignment giving the endowments in their consignments. A workable imperative that puts the new Nigeria as a mission statement is worth its salt. Let us celebrate such and applaud their initiatives. Knowing where we are going and how to get there constitute a working and winning strategy that would run any mandate on its feet to the veritable place of accomplishment; where the various milestones and the timelines are given the face lifts for dedicated deliveries separate aside from distraction

4. The key of Expression

These are the times for positive and patriotic compelling statements coming out of the people. Many are tired of the war songs and agitations for secession. The cry for credence in the geopolitical accordant tunes would spell a revolutionary trend that would keep men on the express road of definite contribution as against disintegration. This is where we build a workable critical core values by which we stand and thrust a new lease of formation for the much needed framework formulation. Full expression reality is that one that delivers from depression in many quarters.

5. The key of Passion

We have witnessed passion displayed on too many notes from the negative dictum especially among the vibrant demography. It is time for the internal fire for a combustible external fervor serving as the much needed fuel for personal and corporate motivation. All hands must be on deck to ensure that that critical driver of a compelling vision takes its proper seat in homes, institutions and government for a fundamental initiatives and credible imperatives on a national consequence. Our youths need to be inundated with new sense of worth and values that translates to massive development and critical growth through the igniting force of flotation called passion. We must help rework their passion on a serious note through certain strategic introspection that aligns with their internal values.

6. The key of positive Action

Nigeria has suffered many debacles due to negative action stemming out of a porous and empty minds. Youth engagement and or employee engagement at various fora have suffered very debilitating collapses as well. Many steps usually not in tandem with candid inner stirrings have been taken on the wrong note to foment trouble and not solutions. It is the rounded time to align men with their personal articulation and help them reconcile the difference between their personal ambition and decisive developmental goals that would benefit the society. Positive action would deliver from vicious circles and stagnation. It would lead to self- discovery platforms and the devolution of value creation strategies.

7. The key of Contribution

This is where service down the line becomes a natural consequence. Men would serve freely and willingly not only because they want to fix their bills but because they want to create the much needed intervention through critical problem solving skills and competence that would improve the lot of other Nigerians. Service in the right order creates order, dedication and the much needed diligence that would take Nigeria to the next level. Self-aggrandizement and unethical accumulation loses its place in this stance as men live for what they can give as against what they can get. Service on this conscientious note would deliver a nation from recession to economic growth and ultimate development.

Last line

The 7 quotient above is not to be considered in isolation. Every critical stakeholder in the new Nigeria dream needs to work these dimension from one level to another. We must motivate people from new convictions through to the platform of societal contribution where service without seams becomes the watchword for a blue print. Leaders and intending leaders must ingrain these paradigms as a necessary for a yard stick for discussion and decision at critical levels. At 57, Nigeria has a great future!

See you at that other side.

October 1st , 2017


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