Nicole's Journey Beyond Boundaries
December last year Nicole travelled from Sydney NSW to Adelaide SA with support from the Cerebral Palsy Alliance and her support worker Marita.
This is Nicole's Journey Beyond Boundaries in Immersion Therapy ? with D2, thank you Nicole for sharing your story with us and thank you to the CPA and Marita Knuvers Morgan for all your support to make this happen.
Great things happen when you say, "I Can"
Immersion Therapy? World First, World Class, always the innovator never the imitator!
Our service is defined by our Person-Centred Approach and our staff are dedicated to you the individual. Immersion Therapy? is your journey beyond boundaries. Determined2? is an approved and registered service provider for NDIS, DisabilitySA, RTWSA (Workcover) and LSA (Lifetime Support Authority).
Visit us online or contact one of our friendly staff on 0417 932 466
Video Filming, Editing and Production Credits to David Wolfe-Barry.
#Inclusion #ICan #CPA #D2 #ImmersionTherapy #AnythingisPossible#PowerofPositive #WorldFirst #Innovation #ILoveNDIS #NDIS#DreamBig