Nice Stories
RHINNO Consultores en Liderazgo
Tenemos alcance local y nacional para encontrar Talento. La formación de Lideres es otra de nuestras especialidades.
Speaking with leaders of the different industries I have realized that some Organizations are immersed in a practice that promotes low effectiveness, these are "The Nice Stories"
You may wonder what is "Nice Story", I will start with the definition of this term:
Nice Story = It is the best argument we have found in our repertoire of excuses to explain and hide our incompetence and/or apathy when facing a particular situation or problem.
Most of the time the cause of a "Nice Story" is not incompetence but the resistance that the employee shows to leave in their Comfort Zone.
It is more comfortable to invent a "Nice Story" than to undertake a crusade of analysis and diagnosis to be able to get to the root of the situation and solve it.
This refusal to get to the root cause is because the Collaborator is not willing to change his "Being", we understand that this would cause enormous wear but a benefit in the same dimension when achieving changes in his performance.
You can imagine the variety of "Nice Stories" they shared with me, from the most deceptive and credible to true fantasies that the most creative mind would find difficult to imitate.
But the positive was the degree of analysis that we were able to do about the events and that resulted in extraordinary solutions.
Blaming others, blaming the environment, or any situation are the most common practices with which we seek to entangle our boss and not be held accountable for the responsibility assigned to us.
Most of the time our bosses fall into the trap and with their response, they feed this behavior of low effectiveness.
Here are 7 premises that you can use to identify and not allow yourself to be a victim of a "Nice Story":
I frequently receive emails and phone calls where some managers confirmed to me the effectiveness that was achieved leaving "The Nice Stories."
I appreciate your attention and hope that this topic will drive you to action.
Any questions or comments I will be with the best disposition to receive them and give an answer. Remember that I am at your service on my phone and/or social networks.
Thank you for your attention and have a great week.
?Pablo Gerardo Zayas Blanco
Cel 656 2375686