Nice and Not So Nice Surprises
You’ve dreamed of owning your own airplane.? Unfortunately, other financial obligations have always gotten in the way.?
A few years back, your Uncle totally rebuilt a 1979 V-tail Bonanza.? She's a beauty! Sadly, he flew it just a couple of times before suffering a major stroke.
This morning, his wife called and said he was giving you, his Bonanza.? This is a dream come true.? You are elated. You can’t believe it.? But then you realize there may be some challenges.
The plane has just been sitting in a wet and drafty hangar in central Florida for over two years.? Engine hasn’t even been started.? Plane wasn’t prepped for long term storage.? The list of potential issues (to make it safe and airworthy) is long.? What will you do?
The problems are more extensive than expected but you finally get the plane ready (and legal!) for flight.? You feel good about your situation.? You’ve got a “like new” V-tail Bonanza, at least you think you do.?
First couple of flights are great.? Your Bonanza performs like a “champ”.? Today, on your third flight, while in solid-IMC, on a long cross-country, you suffer a massive electrical failure.? Tops are over 10,000’.? Ceilings are below 1,000’.? Nearest VFR or MVFR conditions are over 300-nm away.? What will you do?
This scenario should make for a great discussion (and spirited debate!) at the Tuesday, January 9th, 7pm CST meeting of The Memphis IMC Club, via Zoom.
If you are already receiving the Zoom login info, you are set!? If not, just go to and request the info.
Look forward to seeing you at the next meeting of The Memphis IMC club, via Zoom!
?Fly safe!
?PS - Memphis IMC Club is drawing pilots from across the US. You don't have to be a Memphian! 94 pilots on last month's call, including a pilot from Singapore. All levels of experience. Some just starting out. Others high-time current or retired airline/military pilots. And there are NO DUES!