The "nice to have" objection
James Newell
B2B founder? Hard to explain offering? Go from CONFUSION to CONVERSION with a Clear Sales Message?
If you've ever presented your offering to someone, or even a number of people and everyone made all the right noises but no-one bought, then this is for you.
I call this the "nice to have objection"
The offering sounds good, but there's just no compelling reason to buy it.
As the seller, you need to relate your offering to the buyers' needs and make them aware what happens if they don't resolve their needs or it they choose a lesser alternative.
Often we get wrapped up in talking about the features of our offering, that we neglect to relate this to the real world results it will achieve for our clients.
When this happens, we hear all the right noises but no-one buys as they have seen no compelling reason to do so. The Burden of Proof is always on you to make your offering as attractive as possible.
The next time someone says your offering is great but doesn't buy, make your offering contextual for them and relate it to their world and the results they want. (This is called Framing)
Rather than "It can give you a six pack in 3 weeks", this would become "You could have a six pack by 11th September"
Making it real makes it relatable and can help your buyer understand why they should buy.
The other option is to make the negative consequences clear to your buyer as they may be avoiding them without even realising it.
As well as talking about the consequences, you can use the comparison of before and after to demonstrate the transformation and remind your buyer that they will remain as the "before" picture until they take some action.... are they ok with that?
The "nice to have" objection is a common thing and it's caused simply because your buyer hasn't yet seen enough reason to buy.
If you need help with handling these kinds of situations, then you might enjoy Monthly Sales Training? where we provide ongoing sales training and support as well as providing access to hundreds of specific lectures to overcome issues just like this.