Rapture ' Nibiru Countdown – Draft

"True lovers," who also are waiting and longing, but are doing all in their power to bring all mankind to Jesus. Their lamps are still full. they pray for the nation and the world, EXPECTING Jesus to hear them and grant leniency and mercy. These are the ones Jesus is eager to have with Him in Heaven. They are the ones who are holding back the Rapture…

Just as the man of sin began his reign in America by allowing babies to be cut into pieces in their mother’s wombs, the first act of righteousness would totally ban the practice and begin the steps to ban abortion in America forever. What heavy judgments would be removed from this country were that to take place? What peace could be established at her borders? Can Jesus bless and protect a nation that slaughters innocent children? Surely cannot. Put an end to this killing practice, which would lift the severe judgment on this land.

2022 – 2029/30

1. GREAT WARNING - ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE – Nibiru and?meteorite will collide and Cross will appear in the sky, and all people will see all their err they carried out during lifetime. The truth will be revealed to all people including children above the age of 7. Nibiru due to its collision will return to its closest position to Earth after 3,5 years in the mid of tribulation.

2. Assassination Of a head of state with access to nuclear weapons. Iran – Israel begins to fire missiles at each other. Lady become President of USA

3. The destruction of the Dome of the Rock, terrorist cells will be activated worldwide. Point of no return-last MOMENT to REPENT DO NOT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE; DROP TO YOUR KNEES AND PRAY FOR LIFE – PSALM 91, ROSARY. Earthquakes/Vulcan eruptions, floods, and tsunamis will spread?everywhere.

4. Nuclear war starts with the attack on NYC, Miami, FL, etc It will involve America, Europe, Middle East.?Comet will hit/graze Puerto Rico which will trigger a mega-tsunami in the Atlantic Ocean. Debris and gasses traveling with Comet will do much of the damage. It will survive past the Earth. Millions will be killed.

5. Jesus will appear in the clouds and the saints will be raptured, Jesus will be seen during the Rapture. He will not set foot on the Earth, The greatest event in history - this evacuation – the rescue mission will be a sign of the beginning of seven years of tribulation. There will be no more doubt that Jesus Christ is Lord and that the Bible is true and correct. When Jesus, was LEAST expected HE will come? That was meant to be a hint, that contradicts what people say about knowing the appointed times. Only Godfather knows to date and time, we can predict the season. Our prayers can mitigate the severity of events and delay the date in order to save more people.

6. NYC After being nuked / will be wiped out with the mentioned mega-tsunami. (1970 NYC LEGALISED SATANIC abortion, then in the year 2020 LEGAL BECOME LATE ABORTION 9 months old baby)

7. The other USA (and elsewhere in the world) cities will be destroyed, Yellowstone eruption… Literally, hell on Earth. Not to be believed beyond any horror movie. No one knows the gravity of what’s coming. So many innocent, blind, lame, and without a clue: clueless. The learning institutions are known to keep them dumb and programmed, to be empty and dumb to what is to transpire. This is not what Jesus wanted for His children on Earth.

This is not what HE planned, not at all. No, He had planned a paradise for His people, He had to give reign to free will because free will carries consequences and all must learn through consequences to call upon Jesus and choose Him above and beyond the learning institutions and the pop culture of their generation.

Deep in people's consciousness, Jesus left His calling card of love and warning. They’ve gone unheeded supplanted by the glitter of culture.

Antichrist group will take (and they are already taking-first volunteers take chip-1999) RFID chip in their right hand or/on the forehead “The biblical mark of the beast” RFID chip will change their DNA, Consequently living (Chipped) will envy the dead. They will search for death, but it will elude them. Pain which is unthinkable is caused by a chip implanted into the body, which will release another DNA into the bloodstream, and this will begin to permanently change and transform the victim's DNA into what was once called a Nephilim. This process cannot be reversed. There is the technology to keep people alive through the chip AND will not allow them to die.

The Christians will have to flee into the wilderness, and never report their existence to any government. Their survival will depend on continuous prayer. If any people in the group decide not to pray, they must be left with some food and water, but with no indication of where the group is going.

8. Great revival of Christianity.

?9. ”I have come in my Father’s Name, and you received Me not: another shall come in his own name, and him you will receive.” John 5

10. The demons disguised as aliens will show up AS good and bad aliens.

11. At this time there will be two groups of those who were left behind.

One group will fully believe in Jesus (as many of their friends and family members already have been ruptured, especially children, as they are still completely innocent) and the second group will be those on the side of the antichrist, governments, and the UN.

12. Building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem is completed. Obama will visit Temple and after 3.5 years, Peace is broken.

13. NIBIRU RETURNS (This is 3,5 years after the collision described under 1. Warning)?“Red Dragon” (as Second Sun) from Revelation 12 will appear in the sky from the west. Pope?will escape from Rome.

14. On April 13 2029 Apophis will hit America ?(Wormwood from the revelation8?And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;)

?CERN – OPENING THE BOTTOMLESS PIT Aurora Borealis, shifting of continental plates, landmass movement, global earthquakes, and devastating tsunamis. Israel will be attacked by Iran and a coalition of nations led by Obama Biblical GOG Israel army will resist for 3 days. After seven years of tribulation, Jesus will return to earth to win against the Antichrist’s army.

Now Jesus’ one thousand-year reign will begin.


The following physical evidence would be sufficient in a court of law to prove that the bible is correct.

1. The formation of the State of Israel as was predicted in the bible

2. The bones of giants have been discovered on all continents

3. Jesus’ shroud

4 The astronomical part of Revelation 12 on 23rd September 2017 was visible (for the first time in six thousand years) from Jerusalem – there were twelve stars above the head of the constellation Virgo (nine stars of the constellation Leo and three planets: Mercury, Venus, and Mars.

Astronomically all celestial bodies are visible from the earth, in the sky, we call stars. Under the legs of Virgo, at that moment, was the Moon, under Virgo’s left shoulder was Sun. Jupiter was in a retrograde moment in the womb of the virgin for the duration of nine months and Jupiter exited the womb or “was born” on the date mentioned above. During the “birth” of Jupiter, the Red dragon appears to devour the newborn child, but God raptured the child into heaven (this child represents the saints who will be raptured). Because of this astronomical event, we know that Nibiru – the Red Dragon – was approaching the planet Jupiter in September 2017.

5. Beginning Of the destruction of Damascus: Fate Of Damascus

6. Waters of the Euphrates River have decreased significantly

Some Of the events in my childhood:

When I was a boy, I was woken by my mother and she was fastening my shirt buttons. She told me that my father was returning from fishing and that we should go to meet him on the pier, I responded by saying “yes, I know. He caught two boxes of red scorpion fish and two…” (I didn’t know the word for lobsters at the time). After the conversation we left, and I saw my father around one hundred meters from the pier, and he brought the entire catch onto the quayside, and there were two boxes of red scorpion fish, and nothing else; no other fish. And on the top of these two boxes of red scorpion fish, there was one black lobster on each box, exactly as I had said to my mother when I woke up.

Once, when I was with my brothers and my sister, and we were visiting the home of some friends of our parents, and at the time they had no washing machine, there was a big grey pot on the fire prepared for washing. The pot was over the fire, and to increase the temperature there was a cable with a coil, submerged in the water. I pulled the cable, and all of the hot water cascaded down and splashed me on the head, body, and left hand. I fell to the ground, I couldn’t see anything, but I heard panic all around. I was put onto the table, I knew that egg whites were being mixed from the shouting between those around me. I felt a rush of relief, and the pain I was feeling was drastically reduced when this was poured onto me. They did not know that the best first aid would have been ice-cold water.

Then my parents were called, and they rushed me to the emergency room which was only several hundred meters away from our friends’ apartment. About fifty meters from the emergency room, I no longer felt any pain. I was clinically dead; and from above (around two floors high) I watched my parents rushing me to the ER, my father carrying me in a blanket. I was floating horizontally looking down. When I looked ahead, I saw a building, which as I would discover some years on, was the maritime school I later completed.

The entirety of my conscience, mind, and reason was working normally, even though my body was clinically dead. I thought to myself “if you haven’t given up, I will fight to survive and remain within my body. I did not blame my parents for not running (for they were indeed rushing). In my professional career, I was a captain of passenger ships, tankers, cargo ships, a pilot mooring master, a floating accommodation barge master, a bunker barge master, etc.


Capt. Tonci Matulina S.Bc Master Mariner Unlimited Silba # 514, SILBA Croatia, EU

‘Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord.’


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