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The rich and poor divide is indeed devastating.

The working class is understandably angry.

However, I believe that a lot more responsibility can be taken for the average person’s circumstances.

No matter how dire those circumstances are, we still have SO MUCH POWER over our personal state.

Tapping into that is where the real riches are.

Being financially rich is not what brings freedom.

It’s for sure very ‘nice to have’ but inner freedom is independent of money.

Believing that we need something outside of us in order to achieve inner peace is a lie.

There is so much that we can do to shift our state WITH NO EXTRA MONEY NEEDED.

Please note that this advice is for the average person. I do realize that some of them are out of reach and when one is in a dark place, it takes a lot of strength to even practice one of these. But if that is you, know that you and your life are worth that. Take the first step. Pray for strength. Then put one brave foot in front of the other every single day. You can do this ?.

Here’s what I recommend in order of priority:

1?? ?????????????? ?? ?????????? ??????????????????

Connect with God or whatever higher power brings you comfort. I feel certain that there is an invisible force that supports us all. When we are tapped into that, life and all the suffering makes a lot more sense. I love to remember that we are just passing through here. Life is transitory. Nothing is permanent. This truth helps me to let go of attachment.

2?? ?????????? ???? ?????? ???? ???? ???????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????? ??

I am not trying to belittle or dismiss your pain. However, there is a much bigger plan at play here. Trust your jigsaw piece and work with it. Presence is a powerful tool. We cannot feel stress in the present moment. It’s only when thoughts of the past or future come in that stress and attachment come. Daily meditation will help.

3?? ?????????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ???????????????? ??

You have power over your thoughts. Manifestation is real. You are manifesting in every moment. Choose thoughts and feelings that serve and support you. That takes work - and that’s why people don’t do it. It’s easier to numb out. There are for sure lots of moments in life when we feel anger, sadness, fear, etc. But it always passes. The attachment always fades. And remember that anything triggering you now will eventually disappear into the abyss. It will be well forgotten 200 years from now and so will the earthly you. Attachment is what destroys us, not the actual situation itself.

4?? ???????????? ???????? = ???????????? ???????? ?? Get as many nutrients into your diet and as much junk out of it as possible. It’s not just the thoughts that we ingest, but the food that affects our mental as well as our physical health. Even on a shoestring budget, we can make better choices than the cheap processed food that is marketed to us.

5?? ?? ???????????? ???????? = ?? ???????????? ???????? ?? Move your body. That costs nothing. Push-ups cost nothing. Get radically fit and strong. A strong body helps your mind to be strong. Doing hard things builds character. It also gives us the strength to avoid giving in to substances and experiences that pull our character down.

6?? ???????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ?? When you blame, you give your power away. Then you are powerless to change your state. You will feel justified in not doing anything I listed above when you believe that someone else is responsible for how you are feeling. They are not. Blame is a destructive losing game. And blamers stay poor.

7?? ???????? ???? ?????? ?????????? ???????????? ???? ?????????????????? ??A clear mind will bring you peace, nothing else. Give up the belief that money will bring you peace. Of course having money gives us the ability to do things that we could not otherwise do. It solves a lot of earthly problems. But the joy that comes from having money is short-lived. You will NEVER be safe if you are relying on money to keep you safe - because there are zero guarantees that you will get to keep it. The same thing goes for relationships. Take your power back. It’s inside of you and with your connection to God. Let go of the belief that you need anything outside of you to be different than it is in order for you to find peace. Close your eyes and meditate long enough and you will find it when the mind eventually goes quiet.

8?? ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????????????????????? ??

We are so distracted in life, but we cannot blame those distractions. It’s our responsibility to get focused. It’s our responsibility to sleep and wake early. It’s our responsibility to make a plan. It’s our responsibility to get the help we need. It’s our responsibility to shut the distractions out and to focus intently on our purpose work. It’s our responsibility to learn from those that are ahead of us instead of feeling resentful of them.

9?? ???????? ????????????????, And ???????? ???????? ???????? ?? ???????????????? ??

Your energy is affected by toxic energy. Disentangle yourself from that. Have the courage to let go of what doesn’t serve you. And if you cannot physically remove yourself from them, learn how to protect your energy and how you respond to them. Again - zero blame results in powerful inner-transformation. When you choose the ‘no-blame’ path, you learn to see all of these challenges as opportunities. No one has the power to affect you unless you give them that power.

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Loneliness is the biggest killer. Building good, trusting relationships with good communication takes courage. Work on overcoming your fears. Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people. If you don’t seem to be able to attract them, then work on yourself first. Become the version of you that you would love to attract in a friendship or community. Radically work on yourself. Be prepared to look at your less desirable side with compassion and work on healing it. Be brave. If you notice yourself being triggered by and excessively others, you most likely judge yourself harshly too. Heal that first. Other people are our mirrors.

1??1?? ?????? ?????? ???? ???????????? ?? Nature nourishes the soul. Quiet deep contemplative time in nature will enrich your life. Give yourself that gift.

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You will fall down. Make no mistakes about that. You are human. You will give in to temptations that don’t serve you. But you must never give up. Get back on the horse each time and start again. Start from the top of this list with your faith practice. Pray for strength and support and keep moving forward.

You’ve got this ?? .

You can create a rich internal life for yourself no matter what your circumstances. It takes commitment and practice but it's available to you. And that richness my friend is worth so much more than a rich bank account!

Want my help with enriching your life and becoming the version of you that you want to be?

Message me. x


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