NI Independent Hotels
While the coronavirus is affecting all industries worldwide, it is the small independent hotels that can come into our own. Some of you may disagree but worldwide chain hotels are in a panic and closing down hotels in affected areas. Their budgets & forecasts are in a state of despair.
For us personally, our core has been local business and staycations, yes we get foreign tourists and we love them. We buy local and suppliers are local, we are not reliant on global distribution as a majority. We have seen off years of sectarian troubles and the lack of international travellers due to it, and we are still here.
Once again with common sense and a loyal local trade we will weather this storm. Your hotel team become closer and you find a stronger and happy team. How you react and deal with this situation is a reflection on how you get through it. Yes costs will go up ( they do every year) the government is good at that and due to current situation all types of products will incur an increase. As an independent hotel we are not tied down to any particular supplier or have to be a certain standard looking place.
The general public are a funny bunch and will continue to go to the places they always did, whether it be due to the cheap cost or because they really like somewhere. A break from said places is fine, as long as we can all get back to normal when its over.