NFT Basics: The beginners guide
Kunal Chowdhury
Solution Architect at Wipro | WPMP | Ex: CTS, Varian | Shipping, Healthcare, Media and Entertainment | Expert in C#, .NET, WPF, Jenkins, Azure DevOps | Microsoft MVP (2010 - 2023) | Tech Evangelist | Content Creator
Would you like to learn about #NFT? Here's a beginners guide to get started with it:
What is NFT?
What do you mean by "Non-Fungible"?
Anything that can be exchanged in its original or equivalent state is known as "Fungible". On the other hand, the items that are already modified or can't be exchanged in its original or equivalent state are known as "Non-Fungible".
For example, when you exchange a $ with your friend, that is "Fungible" because you will get exactly the same $ value either as a single note or in a bunch of small denominations.
On the other side, if you lease a car, it is "Non-Fungible". Because you can't return it in the same state when it was borrowed.
Similarly, you can't exchange your ID card with your friend as both have a different meaning, person, and place.
How does NFT Work?
How does NFT Work?
What is the use of NFT?
The most significant use of NFT is in digital content, gaming items, investments in #cryptocurrency.
How to buy NFTs?
Some popular NFT Marketplaces: