NFRA Proposes Revised Quality and Auditing Standards Aligned with Global Practices, Effective April 2026
NFRA recommends revision of the Standard quality control (SCQ1) and Standard quality management (SQM1 and SQM2), on the lines of the global Standards and Standard on Auditing (SA) also revised and aligned to global standards
The National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) held its 18th Meeting on 11th and 12th November 2024 and approved its standards on quality control.
Key Highlights:
Support & Disagreement to the Recommendation
Out of 11 Members of NFRA attending the meeting, 8 Members-the representatives of CAG, RBI, SEBI, two independent experts, two Full-Time Members of NFRA and Chairperson of NFRA were in support of these four proposals.? The three ICAI representatives expressed their disagreement to the above four proposals.
The Authority also approved the other 33 Auditing Standards on lines of corresponding Global Standards.
Suggested Name to the Recommendation?
In line with the practice followed globally in countries such as UK, Australia, Singapore, the Authority also decided to recommend to Central Government to name the Auditing Standards as Ind AS.
Notify Date to the Recommendation
Upon the approval of the Central Government, these Standards are recommended to be effective from 1.04.2026.
#NFRA #AuditingStandards #QualityControl