NFL: Retired Player December 2016 Update
Dan Chamberlain??????????
I change lives, help families and others. Can I help you?
DECEMBER 2016: NFL Settlement Update
Retired players and their families express critical questions about the NFL Concussion/Traumatic Brain Injury Settlement.
Issues in this update include upcoming deadlines, “effective date”, “registration” as well as ''legal representation".
1. Unless you, your family or another beneficiary hired a personal lawyer to establish a retired player's claim ... you and your loved ones are on your own.
2. On December 12, 2016 the Court established the “effective date” for purposes of upcoming deadlines in the case. Failure to follow applicable dates may cause a loss of benefits and compensation.
3. When did players need to retire to collect? Prior to July 7, 2014.
4. What is the “registration period”? This is the time that retired players or other eligible beneficiaries must register a claim for compensation. At present, the registration date has not been established. However, the claim to register retired players claim will expire 180 days after the benchmark registration period has been announced.
5. Baseline Assessment Protocol … what is it? The baseline assessment (BAP) includes neurological, neuropsychological or other examination to prove brain function. Please keep in mind these deadlines are now established. Based on your age, the “effective date” and other factors, a consult with an attorney after diagnosis or additional testing is imperative.
If you have a question about why a retired player, family or beneficiary should retain independent/personal counsel, please contact Dan Chamberlain at [email protected] or 317-549-5454.
We also offer call in-dates or "Town Hall" meetings for individual players, their families or groups of players. Attendance is purely confidential. Please let us know if you are interested to attend, but only if you are otherwise unrepresented by personal counsel.
Best and thanks, Dan.