Nexus Unites Teradata, Oracle, SQL Server and DB2
Michelangelo once said, "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." After teaching over 1,000 classes on big data I saw the user in the database and coded until they were set free. For years, everyone only queried a single database, but I knew the future was to unleash these boundaries. It took over 30,000 lines of code just in the Super Join Builder piece of Nexus to instantly allow users to join tables from any combination of Teradata, Oracle, SQL Server and DB2. As one customer from the world's largest bank stated, "This puts the average business user on the same playing field with the data scientist". Actually, Nexus puts the average business user way ahead of the data scientist!
It took over 20,000 lines of code in the Compare/Sync portion of Nexus to allow any user to compare and synchronize entire databases across Teradata, Oracle, SQL Server and DB2, and users can even schedule this to happen daily, weekly and monthly.
How many times have you been scolded for running too many queries or for running a long-running query? The problem is that there are a limited amount of processors and a finite amount of memory on these database servers, but the biggest waste of processing and memory is on your PC. That is why Nexus remembers all your answer sets and allows you to join them and re-query them with templates inside your PC. This is called the Nexus Garden of Analysis. Instead of running a hundred different queries to analyze four or five tables, just query or join the tables once and then let Nexus analyze and re-query the answer sets inside your PC!
Although it has taken exactly 10 years and over one million lines of code, the Nexus has become the most powerful desktop invention the fortune 1000 companies have ever seen. We just released Nexus 11.0 and it is brilliant. Download it at and try it for free. There are over 40 three-minute videos on the top right hand corner of Nexus that will show you step-by-step how to do everything!
Let me give you your first assignment. Join tables from Teradata, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Amazon Redshift, SAP HANA and Greenplum in a single query! It is as easy as can be!