Our speakers introduce to you. –
As a summit producer for the LIFE MASTERY FOUNDATION, I have the chance to meet people who are at the top of their respective fields, passionate individuals with an IQ off the charts, authorities on what they do. So is common for me to get surrounded by really intelligent people, and yet… I am completely intellectually intimidated by my next speaker now being introduce to you.
His career is nothing but impressive, and having him in your team when facing a project counts for 99% of your battle winning chances.
Q.- Please State your name, nick name (if you have) your age and place of residency.
ANS.- David Feldman, 60, New York City.
Q.- What factors made you take the decision to pursue technology as a way of living?
ANS.- I have always been fascinated by technology and its ability to transform, analyze and streamline so much of what we do. I was one of the few kids in the 70s who lived in the “computer room” at our high school where there was one dumb terminal hooked up to a local university. While not a coder, in the early 80s I worked at a 1300 person children’s day camp to implement fully computerized camper and staff lists, databases for daily attendance and busing information and scheduling. In my early years as a lawyer I worked at a firm with a strong venture capital client base, completing quite a number of software and tech deals. And it continued from there!
Q.- What are the three main thoughts that you use in order to work efficiently.
ANS.- Simplify, streamline and delegate!
Q.- Where should we focus, as startup professionals, in order to make a more profound change in our ecosystem?
ANS.- Focus on helping startups avoid the most likely reasons businesses fail: undercapitalization, bad partner choices and entrepreneur burnout. I have watched too many smart people make the same mistakes that other smart people made before them, and advised hundreds on ways to avoid these pitfalls (often to no avail!).
Q.- If you could plant one thought in the head of everyone on earth what would it be?
ANS.- While we always keep in mind that, in the end we are all just passing through, we should live each day with a goal of doing something positive and furthering our personal goals and moral compass.
Q.- What is your concept of time and work?
ANS.- There is working hard and there is working smart. Finding ways to complete projects
efficiently is critical, as is the need to rely on others to assist. While of course no one can do
things as well as you can, try to macro manage and delegate to those who can do a job well
Q.- What would you consider to be the biggest mistakes of mankind in the last decade?
ANS.- Wow. Not learning lessons from the past in terms of the direction of the economy, not
doing enough to address climate change, not standing up against the many conflicts based solely
on the notion that one group’s view of religion is better than another group’s.
Q.- What would you consider to be the greatest accomplishment of mankind in the last decade?
ANS.- The extraordinary power of technology, AI and the Internet finally achieving much more
realization across nations and income levels.
Q.- Where can you forth see ourselves at the end of this year?
ANS.- Hopefully beginning the process of returning to more normalcy against COVID-19 and a
likely change in either the White House or control of the Senate (or both).
Q.- How do you think that startups affect social surroundings?
ANS.- Startups take folks through a crazy ride that is both exciting and exhausting. In some cases
the only social life possible is with co-workers, though this is not always healthy. Social
relationships are also affected by management styles within each company. Leaders who are
supportive and cheerleading their people achieve more than those who manage by fear.
Q.- If you could give new startup entrepreneurs an advice what would it be?
ANS.- Building a business is a marathon, not a sprint. Pace yourself, focus on what is important
and strategic, spread the workload as much as possible, ensure you have sufficient capital to
achieve your goals and choose partners (if any) carefully. And make sure you really have what it
takes to build something meaningful- there are certain key personality traits that make it more
likely you will achieve success.
I would like to thank David, I am really looking forward for his presentation at the NEXTHOUGHTS STARTUP SUMMIT, happening from the 22nd to the 24th of June. 100% online streamed through the Life Mastery Foundation channels.
If you believe you have a topic that could contribute to the common knowledge of our startup community you are welcome to write me at [email protected] and I will be happy to discuss it with you.
Thank you for taking some time from your day to know our dear speakers a little bit better.
Best regards
Jorge Boero