NextChapter | September 2023
The Family Conversation: Longevity Can Be a Dream Come True – Or a Nightmare
At NextChapter, we developed The Family Conversation to help financial advisors and their firms engage more easily and more effectively with aging clients and their families. We are all going there, so how can we make the journey better for everyone.
The product of more than eight years of research and testing – including clinical results contributed by our medical partners – The Family Conversation provides three levels of support for advisory firms:
The Family Conversation supports an almost infinite array of longevity planning needs and family circumstances – the Rubik’s Cube of retirement. Each situation is unique, and each family is new at the process. Our job is to make it all easier for advisors and their clients to work together.
A big thank you to one of NextChapter’s founding Advisory Council members, Frank McAleer of Raymond James, and his team who helped launch our formal effort back in 2019, and to Liz Koehler and the Advisor Insights team at BlackRock for important financial support as we got started. Our colleagues at Whealthcare Planning, LLC provided a clinical study conducted at the Massachusetts General Hospital’s Department of Geriatric Psychiatry, as well as an award winning suite of practice management content for advisors and the design of proactive tools.
Much more to follow as we expand the offering with additional partners in 2024. Our timing is good – demand is high and rising fast. Join us to find out how you can incorporate our capabilities in your practice or your advisory firm.
And listen to our first special guest, my mom, Phyllis Gresham and HER moments that matter:
Retirement is a family affair. The state of our family determines our ability to take on the many issues of retirement, including where we live and how we live. Our independence, our financial security, our happiness – all are a function of our family’s preparation and support. And whether the family is a single person or a three generation clan, preparation for longevity determines whether longevity is a dream come true – or a nightmare.
The NextChapter Innovation Leadership Program Coming March 2024
Stay tuned for NextChapter’s 2024 Innovation Leadership Program. Created to provide both strategic and tactical skills and insights for our industry’s “rising stars”, the Innovation Leadership faculty has created results and innovation the members will share with program attendees. Companies seeking to develop the leaders we need should plan now to nominate those rising stars.
Kathleen Murphy and John Thiel – Innovation Leaders in Action
Kathleen Murphy led the fivefold expansion of Fidelity Investments’ retail business. John Thiel spent 27 years with Merrill Lynch and was the head of Merrill Lynch Wealth Management. Competitors for years, colleagues on the FINRA Board of Directors and champions of both clients and the professionals who serve them, these two industry icons have a similar message for today’s industry leaders.?
“Customer focus” – that’s the message from two of the industry’s most accomplished leaders.?Be sure to watch or listen.
Conference Recap:
LPL Focus 2023 in San Diego, August 5:
Financial Advisor’s Inside Retirement Conference:
Consider NextChapter for your next event! ?
Lifestyle reminder: Get outside – walk with a friend!?
I try to start every morning walking toward the sunrise. I’m often accompanied by local wildlife. This summer I also took a first time hike up Mt. Ada on Catalina Island with my son, after we attended the LPL Focus event in San Diego.
Thanks for connecting with NextChapter! For more information on our community,?follow us on LinkedIn.
-Steve Gresham