Next Steps.
The one question many are asking around the water cooler these days is “What is next?”?Why is my Grande Latte now $9? After 30 years of mass psychosis techniques by the opaque and powerful Tavistock Institute - and their vast branches and arms through the Council of Foreign Relations (U.S.) and The Chatham House (Britain) - and more than three years of non-stop nonsense and turmoil caused by our central banks in the USA, Canada, England, and other political rainmakers– the average working person on the street is still mostly in the dark - and not asking enough questions. Far too few are asking important questions or connecting dots. This is a problem because you become vulnerable to the same patterns and playbook that smarter, richer and better-connected folks have been using for generations to reduce and stop you and your children from "getting ahead" after so much hard work. Americans are looking for evidence of that so-called "City on a Hill." The mystery is not so mysterious. You aren't putting the pieces of the puzzle together to see the big picture. Everyone is busy being busy; we are distracted with bread and circuses. There are times when you need to slow down so that you can speed up. Perhaps we need a few more pieces to the puzzle to understand the nature of the circus - and next steps.
There are dozens of scorecards and countless metrics out there – it can literally make your head spin on a windy Monday morning. We have a $44.8 trillion stock market that is indexed at 190% to its historic norm in relative value.?We have a $46 trillion bond market that is loaded with questionable Treasuries, corporate bonds and squishy municipal bonds. We have a plethora of so-called Zombie companies dotting the Corporate America landscape. Almost 80% of the money (M2) circulating in our economy has been printed and dumped into our system within the last 24 months. If you printed money in your basement; you’d go to jail and they would throw away the key. More than 20 million Americans lost their jobs during the Great Plandemic – a time in history that will be marked by highly incompetent politicians, government bureaucrats, business leaders, and bankers running Wall Street; and the not-so-federal Federal Reserve, Bank of Canada, Bank of England, the European Central Bank, and others. While 150 million people around the world were thrown into abject poverty during the challenging period, the world’s 3,000-plus billionaires added several trillion in wealth to their family portfolios. Luxury goods and farmland are two popular purchases for the ultrawealthy.
According to recent Forbes data, the 10 richest billionaires grew their wealth from $700 billion to $1.5 trillion since March, 2020. During the same time, the billionaire-class in America grew their portfolios more than 35%. A few thousand hedge funds and private equity firms have enjoyed record gains. All this good fortune was created as millions of small and medium-sized businesses were forced to close. Many did not survive or reopen. Amazon, Walmart, Home Depot and your neighborhood liquor stores remained open and operating at full capacity; apparently, whiskey and beer are essential to our economy during times of national crisis. (Disclosure: I'm Irish and do like beer and whiskey.) The backbone of our economy – a powerful free enterprise system and Constitutional Republic - are the 31 million small businesses. Our country thrives or fails on the success and strength of those businesses. If you harm or crush them, you cut off the lifeblood to everything good and necessary in our brilliant lives and lifestyles. More than 95% of the 167 million American workers find employment in these small and medium-sized businesses. Not everyone works for Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, Pfizer, Moderna, or Amazon. Now is a good time to turn on your floodlights, ask more questions, connect more dots, so that you can begin to understand what is really going on. Turn off the TV and video games and learn what is going on.
The Federal Reserve, also known as “The Fed”, has been playing a game to benefit the Top 1% since their formation at Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1912-1913.?Edward Griffin’s thoroughly researched best-selling book, The Creatures of Jekyll Island (2010), is a must read for anyone interested in knowing how this Wall Street Casino actually works. The Fed was formed just before Christmas, 1913. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 took America down the wrong road. They severely mismanaged our economy and free enterprise systems ever since. They intentionally or by incompetence created conditions for one major market bubble and crash after another. They have delivered our children and grandchildren into debt slavery; as of this morning the United States has $24 trillion in public debt, $142 trillion in unfunded liabilities, and $8 trillion in printed money in the last 24-36 months. The new concept of a Super-Bubble is here; and we have 5 major Super-Bubbles happening all at one time - a first in human history. Many in control are creating compression in our supply chains and doing things that appear to be obvious attempts to diminish our banking and distribution systems. Why? How have we not fired the Federal Reserve yet? How do we have so many politicians of all stripes and flavors still sitting in our Congress after decades of failure? Why do we allow 4,700 registered lobbyists in Washington, D.C. to restrict, redirect, or use lucky charms to influence and corrupt our elected officials? When do we fire them all? ?
Are you surprised that inflation is 20%? ?Yes, the government has the media touting the official inflation number at 8.2%; no one who demonstrates basic critical thinking skills believes their math. They don't show their calculations. Energy, food, and housing costs are up 30-40% in recent times. Have you filled up your Chevy Tahoe gas tank, or bought a steak or roll of toilet paper at Costco lately??Stop and think. Seriously, stop and think. Is this intentional or consequential? Our national housing market is a complex patchwork of 324 interwoven housing markets; housing is currently in the center of one of the biggest bubbles in American history. We didn’t learn our lessons from 2008? Your 30-year old split level that you bought for $143,000 more than 20 years ago is now worth $1.7 million??And there are 8 people caught in a bidding war for it??Do you think this is going to end well? The Fed is now reacting with announcing a scheduled series of rate hikes; interest rates and mortgage rates are starting to climb. Grab a strong cup of coffee.
I have always found it interesting that one of the most respected and famous American economists, Irving Fisher, publicly stated just weeks before the Great Stock Market Crash of 1929 that “Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.” ?The Dow dropped from a high of 381.17 to 41.22; a 90% drop. What about Black Monday in 1987??A 22% drop in a single day. And then 2000? A 77% correction. 2008 was a 54% correction. 2020 was 20%. 2022 will be 60%, or higher!? We are now in uncharted waters. However, the same playbook on Wall Street has been used for over 100 years if you study their patterns. The stakes are high for our families and financial futures; it is important that the average American becomes more informed as to how the game is played, and the intentions of the players behind the curtains. The world doesn't operate as you think it does. The circuses have all left town for good. Three trees make a row. The next step is to invest the time to ask a lot more questions - and connect a lot more dots.
2 年Robert, a very interesting and thought provoking piece. I have long thought that although we in the west think we are free we are actually at the beholding of a few and also to the religion of money. If we chuck in a rogue nuke or escalation of conflict in Ukraine then our society will change and the happy world of silly celebrity Kardasian worship or the current excessive availability of products across all categories in life or the need to replace your latest phone et al will abrupty stop.
Award-Winning Sales Leader / Expert in Medical Device, SaaS, and Capital Equipment Sales / Strategic Growth Architect
2 年The next six months are going to be a rough ride!