Next Newsletter 2023

Next Newsletter 2023



Part of the Phase IV Expansion is continuing our drive to become carbon negative. This includes an additional 200 mega watts of solar panels, an additional 200 mega watts of batteries, electrification of our forklift fleet.

After recruiting additional highly trained technical staff, expanding the Australian Pipeline Valve/Global Supply Line team, we are again expanding the engineering facilities.

The two workshops will be consolidated into one mega workshop. The expansion of the engineering facility includes additional test equipment, additional over-head crane, seven head machining centre and a larger paint shop is being constructed.

Our facility can now perform firesafe testing as well as fugitive emission testing.

The majority of our stock holding is now ISO 15848-12 fugitive emission prototype certified and graphite packed valve sare fitted with fugitive emission certified packing. Almost all our entire stock range is also now firesafe certfied to API 607 including ball, gate, globe, check, plug and HP butterfly valves.

Recent Projects

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Check out the new flange comparison slide rule. Easily compare ISO/EN/BS/old AS/new AS as well as ASME. Provides a comparison showing interchangeability and differences at a glance.

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The Australian Valve Centre Team is growing

We welcome the following new team members:

  • Georgi Stamboliev - Senior Engineering - WA Sales (Manufacturing, Design & Testing)
  • Craig Keech - Valve Shop Manager
  • Colin Sutton - Valve Automation Specialist
  • Krishnakumar Kakkattussery Gopi - Machinist
  • Lee Bakes - Machinist
  • Sanya Stamboliev - Administration
  • Brock Pike - Storeperson
  • Ian Mason - Senior Sales Engineer
  • Jasper Keech - Trades Assistant


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Fully Trained Staff at your service

We congratulate Michael Aguirre as he celebrates ten years at Global Supply Line.

Long servicing staff are now a rarity with many of our customers complaining they effectively have to train the 'green staff' their suppliers allocate to serving their needs. Poorly trained staff cost you a lot more than paying to keep good staff!

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We can offer a reliable emergency shut down electro-hydraulic actuator solution to keep personnel, equipment and the environment safe. Emerson offer standard Electro-Hydraulic Operator (EHO) for on/off shutdown applications and the Smart EHO for modulating shutdown applications.

Speak to our automated valve specialist to find out more. The Australian Valve Centre has an Emerson approved automation & test facility.

Global Supply Line keeps Australia’s largest stock holding of Bettis and Biffi pneumatic spring return actuators up to 30,000NM. Full stock listing at our website.

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Sferova 10” 900LB Ball Valve c/w Bettis G-Series Spring Return Pneumatic Actuator. The tubing loop is to combat “icing up” due to the pressure drop over the two stage pressure regulators. Valve, actuator & all controls & accessories including Swagelok fittings are ex stock from the Australian Valve Centre. See our full stock list at our website. We manufacture the control panel, automate, paint, test, engineering 100% in-house at the Australian Valve Centre. For fast track delivery and high quality supply under our Lloyds 9001 quality system.

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To view this datasheet in full, head on over to our website and check out our extensive Technical Library.

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  • Ideal for Isolation Valves
  • Superior emissions control. Tested to API 622-3rd & ISO 15848-1, API 624-2014 and TA-Luft VDI 2440
  • Fire safe tested to API 6FA and API 607
  • Ideal for Oil & Gas, LNG, petrochemicals, hot water, gas, hot oil, steam, etc.
  • Designed to reduce leakage to under 100ppm


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The composite combination set provides the advantages of the die formed Inconel wire reinforced braided expanded packing at the top & bottom and die formed, expanded graphite sheet internal rings ensuring compression while still maintaining stability and reducing friction for a wide range of pressure, temperature and service applications. The M600 set expands radially when the gland is tightened, creating a positive valve stem OD seal as well as stuffing box ID seal.

Valves are also kept in stock fitted and tested with Chesterton 1622 fugitive emission packing as well as Garlock EVSP 9000 fugitive emission packing.


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1988 Earthquake - Selecting quality pipe (and welding) paid off!

30 Years ago an earthquake ‘crimped’ the 4” 356mm X60 grade Amadeus Basin to Darwin Gas Pipeline (and Global Supply Line and Australian Pipeline Valve started trading). The pipe curved and collapsed but did not break.

The repair of the Tennant Creek Earthquake damage to the 356 mm, X60 grade Amadeus Basin to Darwin Gas Pipeline is one standout. In particular:

  • The section of damaged pipe removed close to a metre longer than the length required for the repair;
  • The worst damage was around a joint weld that was, most coincidentally, located right on the fault line. The pipe was spectacularly buckled but unbroken – you can see the cut out section at the museum in Canberra – darned good steel!
  • NT Gas, though never previously having to respond to an emergency, let alone one of this magnitude, was well prepared and despite rain and aftershocks did a magnificent job in responding and getting the line repaired without losing supply to the Darwin Power Station.”


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A special welcome to our young, part-time trainee “Valvers” - Stefan & Jasper.

Young workers can become loyal and valuable employees when given the right guidance and apprentice support.

Every day a different job comes through The Australian Valve Centre

Another typical example of Global Supply Line’s diversity. No matter how big or how small. You want an order with a double offset, firesafe certified Butterfly valve or Plug valve, a sight glass, JC and Sferova Ball Valves with Air Torque Actuators? Everything is on the shelf!

If you want a buried service trunnion mounted Ball valve - Global Supply Line will modify, test, re-certify and ship it in extremely short delivery.

Even the Rotork, Diamond Gear and Sambo vertical stem and declutchable gearboxes are on the shelf, ex-stock to ensure fast delivery!

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The API 608 standard for floating ball valves mandates an API 641 fugitive emission design test (using methane) which is in some regards is not as stringent, especially at it’s minimum requirement compared to ISO 15848-1. For instance, unlike ISO 15848-1 even 600 to 2500 class valves?are only tested to 600 psi (4100 kPa) for API 641, not their true maximum working pressure. The API 6D standard for trunnion (also used for floating) ball valves does reference ISO 15848-1. APV, JC, Starline & Sferova floating & trunnion ball valves conform to API 6D with floating ball valves dual conforming to API 608. APV, Sferova, JC, Starline valves are prototype design tested to ISO 15848-1 with helium (superior to methane) at 3 temperatures. API 641 is also reference in API 6D but there is no pressure “class coverage range” such as there is with API 624 (for rising stem gate & globe valves). API 641 is therefore mainly used for 150 and 300 class floating ball valves.

Australian Pipeline Valve gate & globe valves are also now being fugitive emission prototype tested to API 624.



Supplying the World’s largest stock range of valves, actuators and strainers Worldwide. Our stock includes rare and hard to find valves. $70 million inventory.


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Global Supply Line has a much larger range of valves, actuators and pipeline components than other global stockists. Not only that, we have a much wider brand portfolio stocking numerous trim combinations. This combined with our full in-house engineering, automation & test facility and full inventory of spare parts enabling us to reconfigure off the shelf valves to match any requirement. This makes us much more competitive than other major global valve stockists and provides a high quality, one stop solution. Majority of valves in stock are CE PED marked.


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World’s largest sock range $70 million inventory - Pipeline valves our specialty, shipping worldwide


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Australian Pipeline Valve, Air Torque, Colson, Diamond Gear, Flowturn, Bettis, Biffi, Bonney Forge, Galli & Cassina, JC Valves, Sferova, Starline, Steamco, Supercheck, Superseal, Torqturn, Emerson.


  • Ball, Check, Gate, Globe, Parallel Slide, SDNPR
  • High Performance Butterfly Valves firesafe certified
  • Ball and Lubricated Plug Valves firesafe certified
  • Metal seated Ball Valves 316/F22/A105
  • Dual and Uniflap Wafer Check Valves
  • Scotch Yoke and R&P Pneumatic Actuators
  • Hammer Unions & Swivels
  • Gearboxes - Multi-turn, 1/4 turn and declutchable
  • Basket & Y-Strainers WCB/A105/CF8M/316
  • Flanges (Geldbach) A105 150-2500lb, API 2-10M
  • Forged steel Fittings (Lame Italy) 3/6000lb and S40 to XXS
  • Fittings Buttweld WPB S40 to XXS
  • Insulation Gaskets, spiral gaskets, ring gaskets
  • Oilfield API 6A Valves & Chokes

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