Next Gen Matrix LED Lighting
When NHTSA changes the law to allow us all to see better when we're driving at night, you will want to be prepared to release your next generation Matrix LED headlight solution to your customers. Linear Technology is now prepared to support your new designs with our recently released LT3965 - 60V 8-Switch Matrix LED Dimmer. Not only is there a rosy future for this device in future headlight designs, there are many matrix LED applications today (emergency lighting, tail lighting, other bling lighting, interior & dashboard lighting) which can now use the capability of this new solution To see if this is something your company should take a closer look at, please watch this short video which demonstrates the technology and capability of our solution.
60V 8-Switch Matrix LED Dimmer
If you're interested in evaluating our demonstration circuit (DC2218A), please let me know, and I will put you in touch with your local FSE and FAE to support your company's future design programs.