Next-Gen Global Talent + AI: The End of Legacy Software
The New Rainbow: Young, AI-Using Tech Talent Across the Globe

Next-Gen Global Talent + AI: The End of Legacy Software

Legacy software is outdated software, applications, or systems that are still in use despite being based on obsolete technology and standards. Examples: banking applications written in Cobol, decades-old flight reservation systems, and (in a consumer context) WordPerfect software.

How Big is Legacy Software?

People outside the IT (information technology) industry are routinely surprised at just how much of our digital infrastructure is old and based on obsolete technologies. Most research pegs legacy at more than 30% of an organization’s technology. Maintaining this software takes 60–80% of organizational IT budget. The incremental IT spend for legacy software—compared to equivalent modern software—is estimated to be more than $1 trillion per year.

Problems with Legacy Software

Legacy software has apparent, well-publicized problems as well as a few insidious ones.


  • High maintenance costs: With old hardware and software that is not supported in the market, the maintenance costs are high.
  • Security vulnerabilities: This software—generally developed before widespread cyberattacks were common—frequently has serious security issues.
  • Poor user interface: Most legacy software was developed before the industry had either the capabilities for user-centric design or understood the need for it. (Steve Jobs changed the industry with the Macintosh.) Additionally, because it was developed when hardware and memory were expensive, the user interfaces are usually complex and arcane.
  • Lack of documentation: Most old software is poorly documented or has no documentation at all.
  • Extreme dependency on an aging talent pool: Cobol is a textbook example. There is a limited pool of Cobol programmers, shrinking by approximately 10% per year. These programmers command high salaries and have total job security.


  • Lost innovation: The brittleness of legacy software freezes the company; it becomes impossible to be agile. In addition, the technology becomes an excuse to continue old practices (“it will cost us a king’s ransom to develop a modern UI”).
  • Talent dampener: Young, tech-savvy people do not want to join companies with antiquated technologies. The fact that the company has “lifers” who can’t be fired because they know a 30-year-old package further repels good talent.

Why Don’t Organizations Modernize Legacy Code?

Well, they do: There is a multi-ten-billion-dollar industry called “legacy modernization.” However, here is the dirty secret of this industry: Most software resulting from legacy modernization is still legacy software. In other words, while aspects of the software, e.g., user interface, are new/refactored, the overall system remains old.


Here are the main challenges in completely replacing legacy systems with modern ones.


  • High and unpredictable costs: Because today’s rubric of modernizing legacy software is incrementalistic and manual, the costs are high. The poor documentation also makes it hard to predict them.
  • Lack of required talent: In today’s model, teams need to know legacy and new technology stacks, in addition to business requirements. This trifecta is difficult to find.
  • Unclear ROI (return on investment): If you take a working piece of software and replicate its exact functionality using a new tech stack, the benefits are minor, and live in the future (scalability, security, etc.). The immediate benefits are small. This shows that the current approach to legacy modernization is flawed.
  • Conflict of interest: Usually, the teams that create modernization costs, timelines, and ROI are the same ones that have job security because of legacy software. The teams will become much less relevant if the organization moves to a modern tech stack. Therefore, they have a conflict of interest in performing this analysis. Incredibly, most executives do not understand this simple point.

How Global Talent + AI Changes the Value Equation

A two-pronged market discontinuity has emerged.

A New Generation of Global Talent

My contrarian take is that the emergence of a new generation of tech talent is a bigger change than artificial intelligence, which is getting all the ink. This assessment comes from my direct engagement with both leading-edge AI projects and young developers from across the world (Latin America, East Europe, India, and Vietnam).


  • Skillset parity: “Offshore talent”—an increasingly anachronistic term—used to be five years behind US/European teams. Today, they lag by five days, i.e., zero days. It is difficult to tell on a Zoom call if a developer/tester/designer is in Cambridge, MA or Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
  • AI enthusiasm: Most global talent is incredibly excited about AI. The difference from US-based teams is palpable and predictable: While US-based developers fear that their jobs will be lost to AI, non-US developers do not have US jobs to lose. The upcoming discontinuity can only increase their income.
  • Cultural changes: In the last 10–15 years, the “global South” (another term that will rapidly become ironic) has had an unprecedented cultural transformation that is difficult for American and European managers to appreciate. It includes better English, familiarity and comfort with Western food, “modern” dress, non-religiosity, slang (“dude,” “yo”), consumerism, and corporate obfuscation (“we are aligning our workstreams to generate customer value”). In addition, global talent now has self-confidence, directness, and startup culture savvy: MVP, product-market fit, importance of user experience, continuous experimentation, etc. In short, today’s global developers are not back-office order takers. They bring intellectual horsepower to tough problems.

Artificial Intelligence

A definitive analysis of artificial intelligence and the revolutions it will create is beyond my—and anyone’s—competence. For this discussion, I want to point out that “consumer-facing AI”/ChatGPT has moved on to much more serious capabilities within one year:

  • RAG (retrieval-augmented generation): RAGs are generative AI frameworks for improving the accuracy and reliability of large language models (LLMs), using relevant data from company sources. RAG frameworks offer solutions that are tailored for the company’s policies and data.
  • Multi-step reasoning: Instead of a one-and-done result, multi-step models enable iteration and real-time tweaking.
  • Agents: Agents are autonomous intelligent systems that can work without human intervention. Imagine an agent going through 10,000 software files after a human and the AI have “understood” each other through multi-step reasoning.
  • Orchestration: Orchestrators can stitch together different software systems or modules. This will be increasingly important in the “build” part of large enterprise applications, which are massively orchestrated packages.

For software development, AI agents are getting close to analyzing commodity components of legacy code written in, say, Cobol, and generate modern Web code, along with reasonably accurate documentation. (The documentation part is the more interesting one, as we will shortly see.) While the AI-generated code will need to be tested (much like human-generated code), it can reduce the cost and timeline of a complete rip-and-replace by 40% today (in fall 2024). By late 2025, this figure may climb to 70–80%. Human programmers can then focus on transforming the new-tech code into the applications that are needed today.


Impressive in their own rights, these two trends combine to create a true discontinuity.

A Playbook for Organizations with Legacy Software

  • ELT-level support: Given the conflict of interest inherent in creating costs and ROI, this effort needs sponsorship from the CEO and at least one ELT (executive leadership team) member.
  • First effort – a small, single, complete package: It is important to have both humility and ambition in this effort. On the humility side, pick a small software package. On the ambition side, include the entire package in scope. Changing only the data layer, or business logic, or user interface, or hosting, is a recipe for mediocrity and low ROI.
  • AI to create documentation: This is a nuanced point. The best use of AI is not to change a package written in Cobol and change it with existing functionality to Golang + HTMX + AlpineJS. The right approach is to extract its logic and data models (roughly speaking, its documentation).
  • Modification of requirements from documentation and current company strategy: Once you understand the functionality, do a delta analysis to get it to the functionality you would develop today. This will be radically different from the legacy package. This is (today) a human step, not one for AI.
  • Global talent and AI to develop software in new stack from the documentation: Now, the pièce de resistance: Use a global team—powered with AI—to develop new software using AI and human coding. The connection to the old package was simply to understand the old business logic and data model at a granular level; it was not to modify Cobol to Golang, or proprietary adapters to REST APIs.
  • Expansion to other packages: Once the first one succeeds—with its inevitable bumps—it is time to double down on the rest of the antiquated stack.

This approach represents a pivotal point in software development, information technology, and in creating a global enterprise.


I welcome your thoughts and suggestions.


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