The next future of worldwide web?
Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of the worldwide web, recently shared his vision on redeveloping (or even re-inventing) the worldwide web. It is all about the data, of which he wants to give back control to the user. Together with MIT he created a startup, called Inrupt. Their open-source project is named Solid, in which you get ownership of your own data. Berners-Lee is very clear about this in his own blog. This is a must-read!
According to Berners-Lee, Solid will change the current model in which users have to hand over personal data to digital giants in exchange for value or content. “Solid is how we change the internet, and bring back the balance. Personal Empowerment through data.”
So actually, if Solid will break through this might even become a bigger revolution than the very first introduction of the worldwide web. Solid gives you the choice where your data is stored, what people and groups may have access to certain elements and what apps you use.
Technology is based on current web formats. Developers still have to integrate Solid in their apps and websites. But the first group apps are already in development, so there is some movement.
But the biggest challenge would be to tear down the current hierarchy. Companies, like Google and Facebook, earn a lot of money with data, so it remains to be seen how and if Solid will be adopted everywhere. These digital giants certainly do not want to lose control on data.
But it is certainly a first sign and probably many more to come. I am convinced we are entering a new era of worldwide web. Curious how you feel after reading Berners-Lee’s blog.