The next big challenges in digital transformation for 2019
The first step toward change shouldn’t be difficult. Today, a high percentage of companies have made their first advances towards digital transformation, or resistance to change within a corporation has already been left behind. 2018 was loaded with improvements in this regard. New, emerging technologies contributed to big transformational processes in the face of great, disruptive changes. In 2019 it is expected that the trends below are leading the digital transformation process in organisations. Taking these aspects into account will be vitally important when rethinking the business strategies that will be crucial for the results you want.
Have a look of this infographic created to illustrate better the business opportunities in relation to new technologies.
- Pelino, M. (2019). Predictions 2019: The Internet Of Things. [online] Forrester. Available at:
- Hunt, T. (2019). The 773 Million Record “Collection #1” Data Breach. [online] Troy Hunt. Available at:
- (2019). Hackers Behind A 770 Million Mega Leak Are Selling 10 Times More Data — But Don’t Panic. [online] Available at:
- (2019). 5 Artificial Intelligence Trends To Watch Out For In 2019. [online] Available at:
Note about the author: This post was written by Anabel Guzman, our Marketing Manager, and published on my personal account to share it with my readers.