Next for AI in Regulatory Agencies: AI Sandboxes
GL Solutions- GL Suite Software & Services
Founded by former state regulators to help government run, grow and adapt. Located in Kalispell, Mont.
Next for AI in Regulatory Agencies: AI Sandboxes
AT the NASCIO Midyear Conference, CIOs described their use of AI sandboxes as a way for state agencies to experiment with AI. Georgia, for example, uses an innovation lab for state agencies to try AI and "fail fast, if need be."
State Medical Boards Must Use AI Responsibly, Medical Federation Says
The Federation of State Medical Boards released a statement on the responsible use of AI by healthcare providers. Navigating the Responsible and Ethical Incorporation of Artificial Intelligence into Clinical Practice, adopted April 2024, acknowledges the benefits of AI and the responsibility of state medical boards to manage the use of AI.
Minn. Licensing Bill Targets Mental Health Workers Shortage
A Minnesota bill aims to address the shortage of mental health workers in the state. A trio of provisions in the bill aim to address the shortage, focusing on the scope of practice and licensing for various medical professionals.