The Next 4 People in Your Wealth Board of Directors Part

The Next 4 People in Your Wealth Board of Directors Part

In my previous article I introduced the concept of your Wealth Board of Directors. This is such a powerful concept! Why? Because you need to scale the amount of time, resources, energy, and networks that are working towards your financial success. Yesterday we addressed the top 3 roles in your Wealth Board of Directors. Those positions are your Wealth Coach, your Tax Professional, and your Legal Expert. Today I am going to address the next 4 roles. Yes there are 7 total roles here. Let’s dive in!

#4: Insurance Agent. This role is very simple, but needed. Ultimately, insurance is a commodity so it comes down to just a few things. Your insurance agent must be INDEPENDENT and not CAPTIVE. Captive means that he can only sell for one company. Why is this important? Because any fool can sell an insurance policy. You want someone who knows the insurance game yes, but also someone who has the ability to shop coverage and find you better deals as they come up. Your insurance needs to do what it needs to do, be backed by a great company, and be reasonably priced. This person’s job is to protect you and your assets if something goes wrong.

#5: Mortgage Broker/Lender. This is critical because your lender is going to give you access to pools of money. Similar to the insurance agent, beyond just writing loans, your lender should be independent and have the ability to access a variety of different loan programs. Your lender will ultimately be your business partner on every single real estate deal you own. They should also have a fair amount of influence in their networks so that they can positively sway lending decisions in your favor.

#6: Investment Real Estate Agent. Notice I didn’t just say “Real Estate Agent”. Why? Because realtors don’t always know investments. In fact, most of them just sell residential homes. Even if they know investments, they often just dabble. You want someone who has made investment and commercial real estate their niche. Again, this person should do more than just sell real estate. This position can only be filled by someone who is a straight up bulldog. They primary job a realtor does is help you win in your real estate transactions. They must be an excellent marketer, a hard driving negotiator, and ultimately a closer. The interview process for your investment real estate agent should be the toughest interview that you give to anyone on your board of directors because you will need to test their negotiation and closing skills.

#7: Business Coach. This person keeps your plan tied together. Your business coach is concerned with two things: systems and people. You will need systems to organize your production and wealth so that it can be scalable. You will need people to operate and scale the systems you’ve created. Your business coach must be unreasonable about systems and not just any systems, but systems that once setup will make your life easier. They also must have a deep network that they can give you access to.

In summary, you need a Wealth Coach, Tax Professional, Legal Expert, Insurance Agent, Mortgage Lender, Realtor, and Business Coach. These people work for you and not vice versa. They should all make more than $250,000 per year in income bare minimum and have 3-5 or more staff working for them. They should have no use of mind altering chemical substances or drugs. They should not be destructive towards their own bodies or towards other people. They should be ideal pictures of what you want to emulate and associate with. Lastly, these people should all know each other and operate on a central plan. In fact, I believe at least once per year you should all meet as a group.

My intention is to fill the role on your board as your Wealth Coach. My clients see a 30% increase in income, a guaranteed increase in savings rate, and secure 8-12% fixed annual returns on their assets in the 1st 90 days of working with me. Click here to contact me.

Own Your Potential,

Jerry Fetta

Jerry Fetta helps his clients make money, keep it, and multiply it.

He believes everyone should own their potential. He believes you were not created to spend 40+ hours per week serving the 40-year-to-life sentence trading your precious time for money just to live in mediocrity.

However, the truth is that time and money must be exchanged. It just doesn’t need to be you making the exchange.

Jerry helps his clients create wealth that exchanges time and money on their behalf.

His clients see a 30% increase in income, a guaranteed increase in savings rate, and 8-12% fixed annual returns on their assets in the 1st 90 days of working with him.

To get started, go to

 Wealth DynamX Home

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