Nexpaq- Modular smart phone case platform for Android & IOS
Pawan Manchanda
Time to Reboot India & Reunite World #impact #socioeco #change #philanthropy #futuremobility #aam
nexpaq is the first, and only, modular technology that can be swapped between Android and iPhone devices. What does this mean? Collect and share modules with other nexpaq users, regardless of their operating system allegiance!
It also means that if you decide to change smartphones you'll still be able to use your modules on your new phone, as long as you have a nexpaq case for it.
nexpaq allows you to easily customize, enhance, and add features to your smartphone through the case. To put it simply: You can add and remove physical “modules” (think Lego bricks with special powers) directly from the back of your case without powering down!
It's time to allow your phone to do things it was really made for. Unlimited potential all in the palm of your hand.
How it works
Put your phone in the nexpaq case
2. Choose your modules and slide them in
3. Start the app and control your modules
You can access all of your modules through the app. Simply click on the module to check a reading of how much storage and battery you have. When you swap in a new module, the app will automatically update so you can get going straight away.
priority is to provide an easy to use modular product which is highly customizable and where the modules work identically, cross-platform for Android, iOS and for any upcoming future operating systems.