New,Strong and Durable Laptop Stand USB Dock from World Pass
Hi,it's Lea from World Pass company again.Today I will show you our new laptop stand USB Dock in detail.
As you can see the picture,it is made up of 5 parts,top which to hold the laptop,bracket to lift the top,360° rotating disk , base and 5 -in- 1USB hub.
To make it more stable,we used enough material.You can see it's pretty thick.
It's multifunctional.You can use it as a laptop stand ,and adjust the height as you want and turn it at 360 degree,very easy to change your screen direction.
What's more,you can use it to make your laptop as a work station.With the HDMI port,you can display your screen on a big monitor,get your wire internet by RJ45 port ,connect to your flash disk,extra mouse,hard drive by USB A port and charge your beloved device when it is going to out of power.How convenient it is.More suprising function,you can take the hub off the stand and take it away to business trip.
When not use,it can be folded small and the process quite presure-releasing
However it's convenient,but you must not that,it's not easy to open it at very beginning as we strength the stand to enforce its stablility.
Okay,here is all its introduction.If you are interested,just feel free to contact me!