NewsMatch Alert: Press Release Summary | 11 December

NewsMatch Alert: Press Release Summary | 11 December

Welcome to Medianet’s daily media alert featuring a curated list of today's most newsworthy press releases handpicked by our editorial team.

Today's highlights

New national urban heat observatory will help drive more climate-resilient cities

UNSW Sydney

The?innovative urban heat project?will help adapt our urban centres for more comfortable living.?A new national urban heat observatory will make our cities more liveable, sustainable and climate resilient. The National Heat Vulnerability Observatory (NaHVO) at 悉尼新南威尔士大学 will report and measure the heat vulnerability and cooling potential of Australia’s urban centres. The climate crisis is changing our cities and we must adapt the way we live, says Associate Professor Lan Ding from UNSW’s School of Built Environment.?

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Modern Slavery Disclosure Quality Report shows jump in Australian reporting standards


Some of the largest companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) have entered a new phase of maturity in relation to Australian Modern Slavery reporting, according to a new report by Monash Business School ’s Monash Centre for Financial Studies .?

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AI in recruitment may be doing more harm than good


AI might be changing the game for recruitment and hiring but an AI expert from RMIT University warns that it may come with a cost.?Dr Dana McKay, Senior Lecturer in Innovative Interactive Technologies says, “AI algorithms are mirrors, reflecting the data they are fed. Given most data reflects social biases, many AI algorithms automatically present biased results."

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Monash experts: 2023 ATAR results explained and what to do if you didn’t get the score you wanted


Thousands of Year 12 students will receive their ATAR scores today, some will be elated by their results, while others could be feeling anxious or disappointed. Monash University experts are available to comment on the expectation among students, teachers and parents, the process of receiving your ATAR and what options students have once they receive their results.?

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Who’s on the employment relations naughty and nice list?


As we near the end of the year, it’s a good time to reflect on the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of Australian employment relations.?Mollie Eckersley, Operations Manager at BrightHR ANZ, shares the list of the naughtiest and nicest business behaviours and the key HR lessons learned along the way.

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SafeWork to blitz Riverina Murray region ahead of important farming season

SafeWork NSW

SafeWork NSW Inspectors will be visiting harvesting operations and grain receival businesses in the Riverina Murray region, to ensure employers are providing a safe working environment for their workers. Inspectors will focus on various work health and safety priorities during their visit including working around vehicles and machinery, forklift operation, falls prevention, chemical safety, confined spaces, providing adequate facilities, and managing fatigue. They will be taking a zero-tolerance approach to serious safety breaches and issue penalty notices if required.?? ?

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West HQ to support safer gaming with world-first research using actual player data


To help address potential harms associated with electronic gaming machines, West HQ has partnered with a leading gambling research institution to undertake a world-first research program to assist in the development of safer gambling environments and practices. The board of the leading Sydney hospitality, fitness, leisure and entertainment venue has approved funding and support for The 澳大利亚悉尼大学 ’s Gambling Treatment and Research Clinic to undertake the voluntary and anonymous research.

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Strong industry and public support driving exponential growth of battery recycling scheme


In just 18 months,?B-cycle,?Australia's official government-backed battery recycling scheme, has increased battery recycling among all Australians by over 30 percent and quadrupled the amount of public drop-off points. These results have been captured in the release of B-cycle’s annual Positive Charge Report, underlining the increased progress and success of the scheme in the last year.

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Govt mustn’t use migration as cover for housing crisis


Statement from Everybody’s Home spokesperson Maiy Azize on the federal government’s changes to the migration strategy: “The federal government is using migration as cover for Australia’s housing crisis. The real cause is decades of government policy that has pushed up the cost of housing."

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Rural voices heard in government’s health reform review

National Rural Health Alliance

The National Rural Health Alliance (the Alliance) is pleased to see the release of the Final Report of the Mid-Term Review of the National Health Reform Agreement Addendum 2020-2025 by the Australian government. Much of the Alliance work has been referenced and highlighted in its recommendations. The Alliance’s proposed rural health care model - Primary care Rural Integrated Multidisciplinary Health Services (PRIM-HS), is highlighted as a case study.

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ACA urges Queensland Government to establish independent Olympic Games Delivery Agency

Australian Constructors Association (ACA)

With the imminent announcement of a new Premier, the Australian Constructors Association (ACA) is urging the Queensland Government to reconsider its approach to delivering the 2032 Olympics.?ACA CEO Jon Davies said the decision by the former Premier to establish a coordination office can now be reversed, and an independent Olympic Delivery Authority established to ensure bipartisan political support.

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Tourism to go electric in Queensland’s tropical north

Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA)

Electric buses are set to roll out in Far North Queensland in a new project backed by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) — an Australian first in the private tour and charter sector.?On behalf of the Australian Government, ARENA is providing $4.75 million in funding from the Driving the Nation Fund to Cairns tour and charters operator Tropic Wings for its Sustainable Transport in Tourism Project.

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Perth property market set to soar in 2024

Momentum Wealth

Perth’s housing market is set to soar in 2024 with forecasted value gains of up to 10% over the next 12 months - marking it as an attractive destination for local and interstate investors, according to Perth-based property group, Momentum Wealth. Momentum Wealth’s Managing Director and Past President of the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia (REIWA), Damian Collins, points to three key factors driving the growth of Perth’s property market.

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Ronald McDonald House Charities Victoria & Tasmania’s team up with Victoria Police for annual Christmas Toy Giving Day

Ronald McDonald House Charities Victoria & Tasmania

Ronald McDonald House Charities Victoria & Tasmania is excited to team up with Victoria Police for the 21st annual Christmas Toy Giving Day.?Melbourne North Police Officers are delivering donated toys and Christmas festivities to children at Ronald McDonald House Parkville this Saturday, along with Santa himself!??

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