IT Newsletters As A Service: Three Editions, Starting at $30/month
John J. McLaughlin
Editor-In-Chief, Board Member, Professional Services Engineer, Community leader
ITNE (IT News and Events) produces IT Newsletter As a Service in three Editions: One for individual sales professionals (Reps), one for sales employees of certain major IT vendors and one for teams of IT sales professionals.
Here is a table with a summary of the three editions:
Details Articles for The Editions
- Personal Rep Edition – $30/month for Weekly IT Newsletter
- Vendor Rep Edition – $90/month for Weekly IT Newsletter
- Team Edition – ($165 + $20 per rep) per month for Weekly IT Newsletter
The IT News And Events Editor-In-Chief has been producing IT newsletters for 21+ years. We curate news stories from many IT publications, selection 60 to 80 based on our experience and a set of rules (e.g. no politics) and share those articles with 50k+ subscribers. We track which are the most clicked on and pick the to 20-25 to become articles in the core IT News Sections which are the basis of our IT newsletter service.
Core IT News Sections
The newsletter is built from core sections. Not every section has news articles every week.
Each specific edition includes a list of sections:
AI, Backup, BI, Big Data, Bitcoin, Blockchain, BYOD, Careers, Cloud, Compliance, CRM, CxO, Database, Developer, DevOps, DR, Email, Encryption, ERP, FOSS, HPC, HR, Humor, IoT, Java, Linux, Mobile, Networks, Operations, PM, Risk, Security, Server, Social Media, Storage, Tape, Technology, Virtualization, Wireless
Vendor Sections
A vendor section is made from articles based on the vendor’s press releases and blog posts.
The vendor specific editions will have the appropriate vendor section(s). Through acquisitions, some will have more than one. E.g. the Dell Vendor Edition will have news sections for Dell, VMware, EMC, Citrix, Cisco, Oracle etc.
Team editions can have their choice of vendor sections. E.g. a reseller team may sell IBM, Citrix and Microsoft products so they could include all three along with their choice of core sections
Current list of Vendor Sections
AWS, Cisco, Citrix, Datacore, Dell-EMC, Dell, Fortinet, HPE, HP, IBM, Lenovo, Microsoft, Nutanix, Oracle, Red-Hat, RSA, SuperMicro, TEKsystems, Tintri, Veeam, VMware
Subscriber Experience
Subscribers will receive a weekly email from the email address of the sales rep who “owns†them. That will be the:
- Sales rep who added them
- Sales rep whose custom URL they used to subscribe/opt-in
- Sales rep who owns team edition whose opt-in form they used (Team Edition)
- Sales rep who they were transferred to by team member who owns the team edition
Each subscriber has a profile which they can modify. A link to manage that profile is included in every newsletter sent to them. That link will log them in to their profile automatically, therefore they should not share their newsletter. Similarly, a link to unsubscribe is also included in every newsletter.
Subscribers can opt-out of specific sections in their profile or by clicking on the “turn this section off†or “disable†links in the sections they don’t want.
The subscriber’s profile is used to deliver a tailored newsletter and web site experience. If a subscriber disables or opt-out of a specific section, then they will not see it.
Enterprise Team Edition – $165 + $20 per rep
- $165 plus $20/month per rep, up to 2500 subscribers (active or inactive)
- team features – Team news section, transfer subscribers, submit articles to Team news section
- team or company website – <team>
- DNS can be used to make site appear under team’s own domain. E.g. https://itnews.<team web site>
- Option to add sections (e.g. vendor sections)
- Option to remove specific sections (e.g.. “IT CRMâ€)
- Newsletter and website banner includes rep’s picture, contact info and vendor logo
- Web for for new subscribers to opt-on in and they will be assigned to team lead
- Team members can transfer their subscribers to a different team member
- weekly newsletter, sent automatically, from each rep’s email address to that rep’s contacts
- Newsletter template may be customized
Enterprise Vendor Rep Edition – $90/month
- Standard section plus a Vendor News section (e.g. Cisco, IBM, Red Hat, Citrix, Lenovo, Dell)
- one rep
- Web version will be <vendor>
- up to 250 contacts – more can be purchased
- Banner includes rep’s picture, contact info and vendor logo
- Each rep will have a unique subscription URL so that new subscribers are assigned to them. i.e. new subscribers can self-register
- weekly newsletter will sent automatically from rep’s email address to rep’s contacts
- Can be upgraded to Enterprise Team Edition
Personal Rep Edition $30/month
- one rep
- Account under <first.last>
- up to 250 contacts – more can be purchased
- Standard sections only
- Banner includes rep’s picture, contact info and the rep’s choice of logo
- Each rep will have a unique subscription URL so that new subscribers are assigned to them. i.e. new subscribers can self-register
- weekly newsletter, sent automatically from rep’s email address to rep’s contacts
- Can be upgraded to Vendor Rep or Enterprise Team Edition
Business Card Scan, LinkedIn Verify and Import for Newsletter Opt-in
- $1.50 per card imported – minimum batch size is 30
- Cards may be scanned and sent by email as PDF pages
- Cards can be sent via the main (USPS, UPS, FedEx etc.) to be scanned and imported
- Spreadsheet will be used for import also sent to rep