QCS International
CQI IRCA Approved Training Partner & ISO Management System Consultants - Auditor Training and Certification Scotland UK
The newsletter of QCS International Management Systems Consultancy and Training - latest news and updates - ISO, audit, certification and more.
Like all ISO standards, ISO9001 undergoes review
every five years and given that the current edition
is ISO9001:2015 there’s a bit of a clue that it’s
overdue for an update. The technical committee
ISO/TC 176 responsible for review confirmed in
2021 that none would be required and that the
standard was thought to be valid, globally relevant
and thought to meet the needs of its users.
Interestingly, here at QCS, we’re looking at likely
changes to standards at the moment and have
identified that ISO 9001 is being amended to
include updates to Clause 4 regarding climate
change. The amendments are expected to be
issued early 2024 but are unlikely to include a
republished, updated standard with an addendum
issued only at this point.
The additional wording is intended to put a
spotlight on climate change and will be
incorporated within ISO 9001:
determine whether climate change is a
relevant issue.
interested parties can have requirements
related to climate change.
The next edition of ISO9001 is now due end of
2025 – it could and most likely will include
other changes and we’d anticipate a three
year transition phase for certification to a
revised standard.
ISO 9001 and Climate Change
So are we surprised to see ISO 9001 reference climate change? For
most organisations our relationship with environmental
management is a complex one. Are we ‘doing the right thing’ by
attempting to implement an environmental stewardship strategy
aimed at protecting the planet, are we focused on sustainability,
mitigating climate change and achieving net zero carbon
emissions or are we identifying savings against an outlook of
ever-increasing energy costs?
I’d take a guess that for most businesses it’s a ‘yes to all of the
above’. It is complex and as we introduce renewables and other
innovations its becoming even more so. Is it warmer or wetter
where you operate, is MS Teams now preferable as an alternative
to air travel? So having said yes to all of the above how do you
move forward as an organisation. The subtlety different strategic
consideration of climate change in a standard based on risk based
thinking is perhaps not that surprising when contrasted with ISO
14001 and its requirement to identify environmental aspects of
our operations. When used alongside standards such as PAS 2060
and ISO 14064 there’s scope to include issues due to climate
change in our consideration of organisational context and risk whilst using ISO 9001 as a framework to contribute to risk mitigation.
If you don't ask you don't get.....
Way back in the 1930’s Dale Carnegie said in his book ‘How to Win
Friends and Influence People’ ‘be a good listener’ and of course ‘ask
questions the other person will enjoy answering.’
So, when preparing for an audit think of those questions you need
to ask and think about the auditee and how you’d like the
conversation to go. Sounds simple doesn’t it but there are some
simple things you can do to help the conversation go well. Think
about the dynamics of any dialogue, not asking too many questions,
or too few, think about information exchange. Think about
cooperation and your conversational goals, your questions may be
linked to clauses within the standards but it should appear
seamless, make sure the audit interview flows in a way doesn’t
disrupt the information exchange that’s taking place.
We'd love to hear your audit tips, what makes for an effective well structured audit in your eyes?
No Risk Assessment?
A recent survey highlighted by IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety
& Health) noted the absence of risk assessment policy in almost a
third of small to medium companies.
Whatever sector a business operates in whether high risk or relatively
benign (how do we know without a risk assessment?) there is a legal
requirement to protect workers through a process of hazard
identification and risk assessment. The use of a framework for health
& safety management such as ISO45001:2018 supports all elements of
hazard identification and risk assessment (in clause 6.1.2) not to
mention legal compliance.
To find out more about the extent to which ISO45001 can ensure your
risk readiness book a call with one of our consultants. QCS
International can support implementation of a ISO45001 Health &
Safety Management Systems, undertake audits and even help with risk
From PDCA to execution - training plans made simple
We often start the new year with a spring in our step and
great plans to set new ambitious training goals. Whilst
developing a training plan for 2024 is a great idea its often
not so easy to execute. As training professionals and CQI IRCA
Approved Training Partners we can assist in identifying the
course that’s right for you by selecting one that will work for
you in any given stage in your professional development.
Using trusted techniques including accelerated learning our
tutors are experienced, practicing consultants and subject
matter experts. Get in touch if you’d like advice on which is the
right course for you.