Newsletter October 2023
Careful child relocation
How to serve the best interest of the child during relocation and divorce.
A website like no other
Reliable information?
about child relocation?and child abduction
&?the names of the experts.
On this site experts share their knowledge with each other and with parents, teachers, social workers, journalists, HR staff, etc.: anyone who wants to know about child relocation or child abduction.?
In this newsletter we list all the latest articles, social media posts and other news about child relocation and child abduction from September and October 2023.
Our blogs :
Habitual residence despite many relocations
By Amy Row from Dawson Cornwell in the UK
In this case the father stated that the children were relocated for the duration of a medical treatment.
60 days notice before relocating
By Max Blitt, lawyer in Canada
60 days to give a notice and 30 days to object.
Return to Russia
By Sacha Lee, lawyer in the UK
Does the war between Russia and Ukraine effect court decisions?
Highlights from our website:
United Kingdom
How can the voice of the child be heard in a Hague Convention procedure?
? Does the court appoint a guardian ad litem?
? What is the task or what are the questions he or she has to answer?
? Does (s)he have a talk with the child?
In what other way is the voice of the child heard in a Hague Convention case?
Our lawyers answer these questions for the following countries:
- Poland
- Spain
- The Netherlands
- Turkey
- United Kingdom
We are very grateful to Carolina Marín Pedre?o for writing the latest addition, about the United Kingdom.
What we read on LinkedIn?:
Child relocation in Canada:
This decision codifies that a lack of notice prior to relocation is A factor, not THE factor with respect to the determination of the best interests of the child analysis.
Laura Hunter Watkins comments on the Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner relocation.
link to the US Child Abduction Bench Book
A case of James Netto, about the role of the solicitor guardian in abduction proceedings.
New lawyers :
Lawyer at GAll
Hong Kong
Dawson Cornwell
London, United Kingdom
Demetrius Papaphilippou
Papaphilippou & Associates Law Firm
Thessaloniki, Greece
Athens, Greece
RWK Goodman
London, UK
Dawson Cornwell
London, UK
SEPLAW Sepúlveda y Diaz Noriega, S.C.
Mexico City, Mexico
8th Meeting of the Special Commission :
Articles and messages about the Special Commission meeting in October:
Melissa Kucinski Family Law took the most interesting statistics from the resources that were made available prior to the Special Commision's Meeting.
Melissa Kucinski Family Law compared the conventions, prior to being present at the Commission's Meeting.
Children and Families Across Borders' Senior Legal Advisor, Maria Wright, has summarised conclusions and recommendations from the recent Hague Special Commission
'The seventh special committee will be held in The Hague from 10 to 17 October, and I will be attending as an observer representing the International Association of Family Law Lawyers (AIJUDEFA). Those of us who specialise in international abduction know that there is a lot of pressure for the Hague Convention to deal with domestic abuse. Many domestic violence protection organizations are calling for proof of abuse to be considered as an additional exception to the return order.'
New Country Reporters :
These experts have volunteered to be Country Reporters.
They wrote these Country Pages and they will keep them up to date.
Family lawyer in Berlin, Germany
Family lawyer in Athens, Greece
Family lawyer in Cracow, Poland
Follow us on LinkedIn
More than 2000 lawyers, mediators, relocation consultants and other professionals are following us on LinkedIn. 1100 of them have registered to receive our monthly newsletter on LinkedIn.
Visit LinkedIn and register for our monthly newsletter.?
Courses, conferences :
November 23 & 24 2023
In October 2023 the Hague Conference on Private International law (HCCH) will hold the Eight Meeting of the Special Commission on the Practical Operation of the 1980 Child Abduction Convention and the 1996 Child Abduction Convention.
ASIME organizes a conference in November to discuss a.o. the outcome of this Meeting and the future of the 1980 Child Abduction Convention.
Among many others: a speaker from the Central Authority in Ukraine and?Nuria González Martín (IIJ-UNAM, Mexico).
You can book a hotel with discount. In the same week, the tennis Davis Cup is in Malage, so don't wait too long to book. See you there!
November 6 2023
A Zoom Webinar from the American Bar Association.
A review of the 8th meeting of the Special Comossion on the Practical Operation of the 1980 Chld Abduction Convention and the 1996 Child Protection Convention.
November 7 2023
A Webinar about national and international parental child relocation.
By the Family Law Commission of the European Bar Federation, with international speakers.
Books and articles :
A Practical Guide to international parental child abduction law
Barristar at 5 Pump Court Chambers,
London UK.
This practical guide provides a grounding on the law and practice in return proceedings, encompassing interactions between Hague Contracting States (including member States of the European Union) and non-Convention jurisdictions.
Share your expertise on child relocation and abduction
Get your own profile page on our website:
- write a guest blog for our website
- send us intesting articles, case law etcetera.
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The Netherlands